Video Surveillance software - Expert commentary

Real Time Crime Centers - Policing's New Hub
Real Time Crime Centers - Policing's New Hub

As city managers, law enforcement agencies, and first responders face mounting pressure to combat crime and respond to emergencies with limited resources, real-time crime centers e...

Proactive Security: The Future Of Perimeter Defense
Proactive Security: The Future Of Perimeter Defense

The days of being reactive are over. That’s right, we as an industry, can no longer afford to be reactive. As threats evolve, the need for proactive security is critical. W...

Choosing The Right Fingerprint Capture Technology
Choosing The Right Fingerprint Capture Technology

Choosing the appropriate fingerprint technology for a given application is dependent on factors including the required level of security and matching accuracy, the desired capabili...

Latest IndigoVision Inc. news

Are Privacy Concerns Stifling Innovation in Security?
Are Privacy Concerns Stifling Innovation in Security?

Facial recognition is the latest technology to be targeted because of concerns about privacy. If such concerns cloud the public perception, they can be harmful to technology market...

How Have Security Solutions Failed Our Schools?
How Have Security Solutions Failed Our Schools?

School shootings are a high-profile reminder of the need for the highest levels of security at our schools and education facilities. Increasingly, a remedy to boost the security at...

What Is The Changing Role Of Women In Security?
What Is The Changing Role Of Women In Security?

There was a time when men dominated the physical security industry. On second thought, that time is today. Even with increasing numbers of women entering our community, it’s...

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The Benefits of Edge AI + Cloud For Security Systems

Video Technology: Making Cities Safer & Improving Lives

Unified Physical Security

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