The review is a Cabinet Office requirement for all arms-length bodies and will consider the functions of the SIA and how they are delivered

BSIA will be given the opportunity to test and comment on the findings of the SIA review before publication

The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has accepted an invitation by the Home Office to become a member of the Challenge Group that will help to steer the direction of the review of the Security Industry Authority (SIA) commencing in January 2016.

Security Industry Authority Review

The SIA’s review was launched via a Written Ministerial Statement (WMS) and will be led by Tony Regan, a senior Home Office official with non-departmental public body experience.

The review is a Cabinet Office requirement for all arms-length bodies and will consider the functions of the SIA and how they are delivered.

The BSIA, as a member of the Challenge Group, will be given the opportunity to test and comment on the findings of the review before publication.

BSIA Involved At An Early Stage Of The Review

James Kelly, CEO of the BSIA, said: “It makes a lot of sense for the private security industry trade body to be involved at an early stage of the review. Our industry needs an effective and modern Authority and we want to help shape it.”

The BSIA will consult all its members on the future of the SIA and will provide the Challenge Group with a united voice on its position.

The first Challenge Group meeting is scheduled for the 29th January 2016.

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