Video Surveillance software - Expert commentary

Choosing The Right Fingerprint Capture Technology
Choosing The Right Fingerprint Capture Technology

Choosing the appropriate fingerprint technology for a given application is dependent on factors including the required level of security and matching accuracy, the desired capabili...

How Partnering Builds Vendor Value
How Partnering Builds Vendor Value

In the realm of physical security, the distinction between being perceived as a security vendor and a security partner holds great importance. While both may seem interchangeable...

Four Misconceptions Regarding AI And Analytics In Video Security
Four Misconceptions Regarding AI And Analytics In Video Security

Misconceptions about AI and analytics in video security are common due to the rapid evolution of the technology and varying levels of understanding. Artificial Intelligence (AI) an...

Latest Honeywell news

Oil Sector Cybersecurity - Overcoming Challenges With Honeywell's CsHAZOP
Oil Sector Cybersecurity - Overcoming Challenges With Honeywell's CsHAZOP

A major European oil and gas company that acquires, explores, produces and supplies chemical and petroleum products had a cybersecurity challenge. Company leadership wanted a b...

Motor Oil Refinery: Cybersecurity Case Study
Motor Oil Refinery: Cybersecurity Case Study

Around production environments, the main concern was always the efficiency of the production output. The risks of operational technology (OT) cybersecurity were unknown for...

Helping Protect One Of Europe's Largest Manufacturing Facilities
Helping Protect One Of Europe's Largest Manufacturing Facilities

Hackers gain control of a chemical plant’s furnace control system. They tamper with the temperature settings and cause an explosion. The consequences of an incident like that...

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