Articles by Larry Anderson

What’s The New Buzzword And How Does It Reflect The Security Market?

The buzzwords in security provide a decent parallel to the technology advancements in our industry. Over the years, our language has evolved to encompass new concepts that have transformed our business. Buzzwords can sometimes be dismissed as overblown compared to the current state of the technology, or even as marketing hype. But the language we use to describe the industry’s technologies often reflect our changing marketplace. Sometimes the challenge is keeping up with the latest buzz. W...

Userful Enhances Cyber Security Operations Centers Using Software Approach

For an enterprise, addressing cyber security requires that stakeholders have immediate access to critical information compiled from multiple sources and presented where and how they need it. Various data sources monitor the cyber security status of a company’s computer systems to provide real-time visibility. Aggregating that data into visual dashboards and presenting it to operators enables any cyber security problems to be flagged quickly and resolved. Software system enhances cyber se...

Consolidation Changing The Face Of The Security Market

Consolidation is a dominant trend in the security marketplace. Large companies typically swallow up smaller companies as a means of expanding both their technology portfolios and their geographic reach. Sometimes a big fish is swallowed up by an even bigger fish.   Despite the pandemic and resulting economic challenges, the security market has continued to be a desirable environment for both big players and startups, which then provide abundant acquisition targets for the larger compa...

Which Security Trend Is Here To Stay?

Technologies and trends in the security marketplace come and go with some regularity. But how can you tell which trends are gaining traction and which amount to ‘the flavor of the month.’ For guidance, we asked our Expert Panel Roundtable: Which new security trend do you think is here to stay?

Have Security Protocols And Practices Kept Up With How People Work?

It’s safe to say there has been more change in the workplace in the last two years than ever before. Driven by the pandemic, technology has both allowed greater flexibility for employees and enabled continuing prosperity for many companies that otherwise would have had to cease operation. But have security protocols and practices done enough to enable companies to keep pace with the changes? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Have security protocols and practices kept up w...

How Can Security Customers Go Beyond Price To Maximize Value?

The price of a security system and the value it provides are two different things. For end users, the objective is to minimize price, while maximizing value. A system may both have a higher price and provide greater value, but not always. Because customers want to pay as little as they can, it is necessary to make a case that a system provides the best possible value, whatever the cost. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How can customers go beyond price to maximize the ‘...

Deep Learning Solves Nuisance Alarms And Tailgating In Access Control

Access control systems are plagued by problems, such as false alarms and tailgating. Hakimo is a new company that applies concepts of deep learning to reduce false alarms and tailgating, and to make access control more accurate. False or nuisance alarms from access control systems take a lot of time and attention for operators in global security operations centers (GSOCs). It’s wasted time they could use to perform more high-level duties. Hiring enough GSOC operators to monitor and resolv...

Choosing New Security Products Versus The Tried-And-True

Any marketplace tends to emphasize the newest technologies and products. Confirming the trend is the perpetual rush to buy the latest iPhone. But some legacy products are so good and perform the required functions so well that users may stick with the “tried-and-true.” But does staying with yesterday’s technology suggest a missed opportunity to leverage new product features and benefits? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What is the security market’s app...

‘Your Data, Your Choice’: Why Identity Management Is A Vital Cybersecurity Strategy

Every day, millions of people worldwide use their personal credentials to prove their identity and access a range of services, from databases in their workplace to the banking app on their smartphone. But while this ensures only authorized people have access to certain systems, the use of this personal data opens users up to cyber risks, primarily in the form of identity theft. On Identity Management Day, Source Security spoke to seven IT and cybersecurity experts to discuss their experiences a...

Are End Users Willing To Be ‘Locked In’ To A Single Manufacturer?

It’s a debate almost as old as the security industry itself: open systems versus end-to-end solutions. The argument goes that end-to-end solutions from a single manufacturer tend to “lock in” an end-user to a certain company’s technology platform. In contrast, open systems offer greater flexibility over the long haul. However, the popularity of end-to-end solutions suggests a healthy continuing market for these systems. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable:...

Which Security Systems Are More Proactive Than Reactive?

The advantages of security systems as forensic and investigative tools are well understood and demonstrated in the market. However, the new trend is toward systems that are useful in real-time and that even predict a security event, before it happens. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: Which security systems are becoming more proactive than reactive?

How Was ISC West? What Surprised You The Most?

Arriving at ISC West 2022, it seemed almost as if the last three years hadn't happened. The vibe and the energy seemed just as heightened as in 2019, and it was almost as if the show had somehow gained momentum during the pandemic downtime. For additional insights, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How was ISC West? What surprised you the most?

ISC West 2022 Promotes Innovation, Reflects Resilience And Dedication

Technology is driving new opportunities in the security industry. Innovation trends include artificial intelligence (AI), edge-based systems, mobile systems, a greater focus on software, and efforts to simplify operation of security systems, even as capabilities become more complex. ISC West 2022 reflected these changing trends. “In addition to emphasizing technology innovation, ISC West also reflected an industry that is resilient, dedicated and passionate,” said Mary Beth Shaughne...

What Will Be ‘The New Normal’ For Security?

Can we finally relax a little and announce that the pandemic is nearing an end? With all the false starts and stops, it’s understandable if uncertainty continues to be the dominant force. The apprehension that ruled at every stage continues even as the pandemic (hopefully) ends. But what about ‘the new normal?’ How will the industry need to reinvent itself in the post-pandemic world? We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: As the industry transitions back to in-pers...

ISC West Returns For 2022, And It’s Just Like Old Times

ISC West is back in a big way in 2022, taking Las Vegas by storm with a level of attendance and enthusiasm that makes it seem like 2019 all over again. There are few face masks to get in the way of long-overdue person-to-person communications; no social distancing as the crowd gathers for the show to open on the first day. The only remnants of the pandemic are Reed Exhibition’s stringent health and safety guidelines, evidenced by a more complex registration process and the wearing of wri...

What Are The Biggest Misconceptions About Biometrics?

Among the technologies widely used in the world of security, none is more fraught with privacy concerns than biometrics. However, sometimes the privacy concerns are based more on false information than on facts. Privacy must be addressed, of course, but the industry should also promote greater understanding of the technology as a means of combatting misinformation. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the biggest misconceptions surrounding biometrics? What is the impact?

Metaverse Will Promote Collaboration And Enable More Efficiencies For Security

Metaverse is a familiar buzzword today, but few people grasp what it really means. In the simplest terms, the metaverse is an online ‘place’ where physical, virtual and augmented realities are shared. The term, Metaverse, suggests a more immersive online environment that combines elements of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). metaverse Expectations of the metaverse today are largely built on hype. You hear more about future and eventual potential than about the curren...

What Will Be The Big News At ISC West 2022?

The last regularly scheduled spring ISC West trade show was held in 2019. The show returned last year with a rescheduled event in the summer, and attendees were largely pleased with the offerings. However, the ‘real’ ISC West, in the spring in Las Vegas, Nevada, will resume a decades-old tradition in 2022 that has been a major driver of industry market growth and innovation. The show is also an annual reunion of sorts for the security industry, and we are all ready for a reunion! We...

Q&A: With Some Hurdles Cleared, OSSA’s Open, Data-Driven Ecosystem Taking Flight

Since 2018, an open platform has been developing to enable the security and safety industry to work together smoothly across brands and systems to improve user experience and solutions. Pioneering the effort has been the Open Security & Safety Alliance (OSSA®). Delivering video-sensing solutions such as cameras and AI boxes, the open ecosystem is a reality. We are turning to OSSA President Johan Jubbega and OSSA Strategy Committee Chair Steve Ma for a progress update. Why is now the pe...

Will 2022 Be The Year For ‘Touchless’ Security?

Early in the pandemic, before the mechanisms of COVID spread were clearly understood, there was talk about the disease being transmitted through contact with surfaces. Such concerns created a windfall for manufacturers of hand sanitizer, and broadly changed the perceived risks of touching surfaces, perhaps forever. Touching the same surface as hundreds of other people suddenly became less desirable, thus boosting the fortunes of “touchless” access control and security devices. But wi...

How Does Global Supply Chain Disruption Impact The Security Industry?

Supply chain issues have plagued the economic recovery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and the problems show every indication of persisting for months or even years to come. Supply chain challenges have impacted the security marketplace in many ways, reflecting the breadth and variety of products needed to secure people, facilities, and assets. Wondering about the specifics of that impact, we asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How does disruption of the global supply chain...

Userful’s Software-Defined AV Provides Security Information When It’s Needed

Audio-video technologies have historically been a silo in the enterprise, separated from the larger network infrastructure by their use of analog, hard-wired and proprietary connections. Software-defined system However, AV devices such as video walls and corporate signage add more value to security and emergency response operations when they are connected to the larger IT network and can interface seamlessly with other systems. That’s the approach provided by Userful, which offers a sof...

Pick Your Topic: Opinions On The IoT, Analytics, Faces And Buying Online

We appreciate the variety of opinionated discussions offered throughout the year by our Expert Panel Roundtable. Looking back at 2021, we found some random and uncategorized Expert Panel responses that were not previously published. We have rescued these responses from our cutting-room floor and present them here in the interest of generating even more discussion.

What Are The Key Trends In Video Management Systems?

Digital video systems are driven by software, whether it’s in the cloud, installed on an off-the-shelf server, contained inside a dedicated appliance, or even inside the camera at the edge. Like many elements used for physical security, video management software (VMS) is changing with the times and to meet new challenges in the market. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What are the key trends in video management systems (VMSs)?  

Cisco Meraki’s Cloud System Simplifies Approach To Video Surveillance

For end-users, a simplified approach to video surveillance has its advantages. Cisco Meraki delivers simplicity, replacing a complex video surveillance system with edge-empowered cameras that connect directly to a web portal. The architecture minimizes physical infrastructure and the software required for traditional cameras by placing storage and processing inside each camera, and by putting the video management system (VMS) in the Cisco Meraki cloud. Additionally, with Meraki’s web-bas...

What Security Lessons Did We Learn During 2021?

As security professionals, one of our goals is a continuous improvement when it comes to protecting people, facilities, and assets. A useful tool for continuous improvement is to apply ‘lessons learned’ in the past to challenges in the future. Because 2021 will be remembered as a challenging and eventful year for all of us, let’s consider what we can learn from the experiences of 2021. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: What security lessons did we learn during...

How Can Security Contribute To Sustainability?

Environmental concerns and ‘green’ initiatives have been gaining steam recently with increasing attention to issues, such as climate change and the drive to ‘net zero’ emissions. Sustainability has not historically been a big concern in the physical security market, but the times are changing. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How can the security industry be more environmentally friendly and contribute to sustainability?

How Do Personal Electronics Impact What Customers Expect From Security?

The intersection of consumer electronics and the physical security marketplace is a fertile sector for growth and innovation. Consumers increasingly have the same high expectations for the operation of their workplace technologies as they are accustomed to in the digital world at large. We asked this week’s Expert Panel Roundtable: How do developments in personal electronics impact customer expectations in the physical security market?

What Are The Security Challenges Of The Transportation Industry?

The transportation industry is unique because it plays a role in both the minutiae of everyday life and the overall economy's well-being. Providing uninterrupted and efficient transportation services depends heavily on the safety and security of transportation entities. Due to the vast amount of people frequenting transit stations and the importance of the items on ships and ferries, the transportation sector faces multiple challenges that evolve as the industry advances. We asked this week&rsqu...

How Should End Users Measure The ROI Of Security Systems?

Traditionally, security has been seen as a cost center rather than as a profit center or a source of revenue in an organization. Therefore, end-user security managers have struggled to cost-justify their purchases of security systems: How can you assign value to preventing a catastrophic loss unless or until such a loss happens (which you’re trying to avoid!). Even so, security’s return on investment (ROI) picture is changing, with expanded system capabilities and technologies that p...