Technology & Trends - Surveillance cameras

Download: Surveillance Beyond Security - Intelligent Storage

The role of storage in video surveillance systems has  evolved, from a means of preserving evidence to an evidence search tool, and soon as the main data repository for predictive analytics. Old analog systems are now being replaced with massive multi-camera IT systems. Necessary storage volumes keep growing as video resolutions increase. 1K, 4K, and 8K megapixel cameras require such gigantic storage space that network video recorders (NVRs) can hardly handle more than a handful of them...

Leveraging IP Network Technology In The Security Intercom Market

The transition from analog to IP technologies has had a large impact on the ways intercoms are used in the security industry. The analog-to-IP transition has generated a lot of attention in the camera market, and the transition is also taking place for intercoms. Twenty years ago, Axis Communications (2N’s parent company) led the industry in converting from analog cameras and video to IP. Integrated IP System The conversion took 15 years to achieve, but the same conversion in intercoms i...

Ergonomic Standards Increase Control Room Productivity

  Ergonomics are a critical, but often misunderstood aspect of designing control rooms for security. Ergonomics have a deep impact on the integrity of an operation, and the issue goes beyond the control room furniture. Matko Papic, Chief Technology Officer of Evans Consoles, divides ergonomics into three areas: physical (reach zones, touch points, monitors); cognitive (the individual’s ability to process information without overlooking a critical element) and organization...

How Are Open Standards Driving The Security Intercom Market?

Part 4 in our Intercoms in Security Series The ONVIF standard makes it simple to integrate the intercom with other ONVIF-compliant video management systems, access control solutions, and cameras Open standards are enabling new capabilities in the intercom market, some of it driven by the transition to systems based on Internet protocol (IP). Today’s most-used phrase in the intercom business is interoperability, given that the intercom is integrated with solutions s...

Minimizing Video Frame Drops In Video Surveillance Systems

Gaps in video from dropped video frames are a common problem. A web search on the phrase “dropped video frames” turns up links oriented towards gamers, YouTube videographers and even the world of video surveillance, discussing why frame drops happen and providing advice for coping with them. On Windows computers, video frame drops are a fact of life. Much of the advice can help reduce the number of frame drops, though never completely eliminate them. If you are an amateur filmmaker,...

Integrating Security Management Into Broader Building Systems

By drawing data from a number of different sources and subsystems, including building automation, it is possible to move towards a truly smart environment Security solutions should be about integration not isolation. Many organizations are considering their existing processes and systems and looking at how to leverage further value. Security is part of that focus and is a central component in the move towards a more integrated approach, which results in significant benefits. G...

Deep Learning Algorithms Broaden The Scope Of Video Analytics

Over the years, video analytics has gained an unfavourable reputation for over-promising and under-delivering in terms of performance. One of the biggest complaints regarding video analytics has been its inability to correctly identify objects in situations which appear trivial to the human observer. In many cases, this has resulted in a tendency to generate substantial numbers of false alarms, while not detecting actual events accurately. This, together with a propensity for complex set-up proc...

Impact Of MmWave Technology On Network Video Surveillance Solutions

CCTV security deployments require high reliability and availability in order to prove truly effective In recent years, there has been incredible growth in the security video surveillance market with law enforcement agencies embracing video surveillance to enhance security in problematic areas across cities. But these projects require connectivity to carry video feeds from multiple deployed CCTV cameras distributed over one or more sites, to the control room for viewing and rec...

ISC West 2017: How will IT and consumer electronics influence the security industry?

The top influencing trends in the security industry at ISC West 2017 will be big data, cyber security and the Internet of Things More than a thousand companies will be showing off their latest and greatest technologies and services at this year’s ISC West in Las Vegas. With so much to look at and experience, will you be able to pinpoint the next big thing or things that will dominate the security market in 2017? A good way to predict those upcoming trends is to look at w...

Securing Premises To Avoid Million Dollar Verdicts

Crime prevention may require changes to the structure, added surveillance cameras, effective access control methods Given the vast amount of litigation, businesses and property owners must find a system of adherence towards safe and secure premises to avoid multimillion dollar verdicts. In the business of law, negligent security is a rapidly growing niche field and the number of lawsuits continues to increase. Why? The obvious answer is the current lack of uniform security pro...

Improving Healthcare Security With Modern Surveillance Technologies

Through new technology, applications and analytics, video surveillance systems are helping to make hospitals a safer place Healthcare organizations face many challenges. Federal mandates associated with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), changing reimbursement models, an ageing population and competition are among the most concerning issues. Unfortunately, so are safety and security. However, video surveillance is helping. Through new technology, applications and analytics, v...

Artificial Intelligence Poised To Make Great Strides In Security Industry

Video analytics will be one of the first major domains within the security industry that will be radically transformed by AI When most people think of the term artificial intelligence, science fiction films both old and new tend to come to mind. Whether it’s the military network Skynet becoming self-aware in The Terminator and wiping out the majority of mankind with nuclear weapons, or the hosts in Westworld developing consciousness and turning against their human master...

QinetiQ Demonstrates New Privacy-Protecting Body Scanner For Crowded Places

The new scanner can quickly screen large groups of people without needing them to stop or slow down Most body scanners are designed to work one person at a time, checkpoint style. QinetiQ has developed a scanner that can be used in crowded places without having to slow down or stop moving targets. The body scanner, capable of detecting hidden explosives or weapons on a person, has been demonstrated publicly in the United Kingdom for the first time. The QinetiQ SPO-NX SPO-NX...

Increased Power Grid Security Tackles Natural And Man-made Threats

Utility security staff have a responsibility to ensure they can identify risks associated with security threats Protecting North America’s power grid is a thankless job. Day in and day out, the good citizens of the United States and Canada wake up with the assumption that when they get out of bed each morning and flip on the lights, the room will illuminate, the coffee pot will come to life and their mobile phone will have been fully charged. After all, we live in a mode...

Protecting Cultural And Hospitality Venues From Terrorist Attacks

Cultural and hospitality venues are attractive targets for terrorists due to their public accessibility Over the past 40 years there have been numerous attacks carried out against cultural and hospitality venues in the furtherance of religious, ideological, criminal or political beliefs. By default, cultural and hospitality venues are attractive targets for terrorists due to their public accessibility, the volumes of visitors and guests or because of what the venue represents;...

Simplifying Multi-site Security Management With The Cloud

Cloud-based solutions with mobile credentials and capabilities are simplifying multi-site management Facility managers and security operations staff are often bombarded with calls from multiple tenants, across several sites — each with unique needs — but traditionally they had no insight or control on the spot. Now, cloud-based solutions with mobile credentials and capabilities are simplifying multi-site management — enablin...

What Will Donald Trump's Presidency Mean For The Security Industry?

The Mexican border wall will be made of concrete; a substance that the president has used to some effect in his previous career The border with Mexico is an obvious starting point for the security community. Many had assumed that 'wall' would mean a high-tech fence or possibly just a virtual barrier of perimeter intrusion detection systems (PIDS), video surveillance with analytics and thermal imaging. However, during a press conference shortly before inauguration, Mr Trump put...

Developing An Antiterrorism Plan: A Step-by-step Guide

Counterterrorism tells antiterrorism about threats and antiterrorism tells counterterrorism about unusual or suspicious activities The most terrifying thing about terrorism is its reliance on the element of surprise. Most people don’t see the attacks coming, or don’t recognize the indicators when they see them. When terrorists strike, law enforcement is disadvantaged, the victims shocked and by the time an effective response is mounted the perpetrators are ofte...

How To Approach Campus Outdoor Security

The locks, alarms and access control solutions used for buildings have little impact outdoors Large campuses – colleges and universities, hospitals and office parks – face difficult security challenges in protecting people and property across wide-open outdoor spaces. Outdoor security requires a different approach. The locks, alarms and access control solutions used for buildings have little impact outdoors. Outdoor security may include protecting a student on an...

Innovation And Internet Of Things To Influence 2017 Security Market

Continued consolidation and price pressures were factors in 2016 in the security market, which grew as expected.However, there is still interesting innovation being developed to further the market, such as the industry’s first PTZ with laser focus, says Fredrik Nilsson, VP, Americas, for Axis Communications. “While the video surveillance market is getting close to being 100% converged over to IP, there are many other IoT markets that are early in the cycle of convergence, such as int...

Video Surveillance Storage: What Decision Makers And Integrators Need To Know

High definition has become the camera technology of choice for new installations Video storage is the foundation for new video surveillance infrastructures. Depending on your platform, storage can enhance your surveillance system’s capabilities, or it can limit them. But one thing is certain: your storage decision can no longer be an afterthought. Tremendous Growth In Data Storage Digital technology is transforming the surveillance industry. In fact, it’s estimat...

Robotics Are Trending In The Security Solutions Sector

The emergence of smart technology into the security sector is changing risk management economics and strategy in unique ways. Such technology leverages information management at its core for a more effective security program. Case in point is the burgeoning role of autonomous data machines (ADMs or robots) that are purposely built for security. Will the advent of robots eliminate physical security officers at a site? Not any time soon, but robots are a real force multiplier by adding effec...

Global Security Market Focused On Organizational Collaboration In 2016

In the past year, we have continued to see that the global security market is both dynamic and evolving. The term “security” no longer means simply protecting the perimeter of a building; it also involves securing corporate networks and sensitive data. In 2016, this trend was driven by a change in organizational threats. Businesses as a whole are much more focused on cyber-threats, a growing paradigm that challenges business and security leaders to stay one step ahead of crime and fr...'s Top 10 Expert Panel Roundtable Discussions In 2016’s Expert Panel covered a lot of ground in 2016 about a variety of topics in our Roundtable discussions.   The very most-clicked-on Roundtable discussion in 2016 was about how to choose between a cloud-based system and a server-based system. Other hot topics that made the Top-10 list of Roundtable discussions included edge-based video storage, the challenges of commoditization, and mistakes customers make when buying and installing security systems. He...’s 10 Most Clicked Articles Posted In 2016

Again in 2016, the most well-trafficked articles posted at tended to be those that addressed timely and important issues in the security marketplace. In the world of digital publishing, it’s easy to know what content resonates with the market: Our readers tell us with their actions; i.e., where they click.   Let’s look back at the Top 10 articles we posted in 2016 that generated the most page views. They are listed in order here with the author&r...

Physical And Cybersecurity Convergence Led The Way In 2016

With security, as with any business cost-center, business leadership wants to find savings where they make sense. As a result, one of the trends we are seeing is that security departments are teaming up with other departments - IT, operations, marketing - to maximize their investment in security systems and leverage the data collected by their physical security sensors to inform their business strategies. Rise In Cyber-Attacks We have also seen a worrying increase in cyber-attacks, like the hi...

Edge Analytics And Cybersecurity Key Trends In 2016

The past year has seen growth in the deployment and use of edge analytics, plus a significant emphasis placed on robust cybersecurity. The expectation for 2017 is that these two trends will continue to be a driving factor for value-based decision making of large, influential customers. IP camera product lines from reliable and well-regarded brands that include edge analytics and offer a trusted, secure platform will be at an advantage over those that don’t. Looking back at the expectation...

Internet Of Things Trends Boosting The Commercial Security Industry

The single largest group of consumer IoT devices being deployed is for home automation and residential security Business and technology analysts are in unanimous agreement that the number of IoT devices will explode into the many 10’s of billions within the next five years. These billions of new computing devices will produce enormous volumes of data about ourselves, our society, and our physical environment. The security industry is at ground zero of this upheaval. In f...

Holiday Season Loss Prevention Plans For Retail

The holiday season generates 34% of annual sales for retailers but accounts for 37% of annual losses It is that time a year again, when shoppers and shoplifters converge on our retail outlets looking for that all important deal or steal. Peak Shopping Season This year, the National Retail Federation estimates holiday spending will rise 3.6% from 2015 to more than $655 billion. While the peak shopping season used to be defined as the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Ev...

Tackling Security Market Commoditization With Innovation

Innovation is not an end goal but an ongoing process that must be sustained Regardless of market, the challenge of commoditization is very real for manufacturers as companies producing lower-end products continue to imitate the most advanced technologies. This creates a perception among customers, and the marketplace in general, that even leading-edge products with greater features, functionality, and value are indistinguishable from others on the market. As a result of commod...

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