Milestone Systems

Milestone Systems news

Real Time Crime Centers - Policing's New Hub

As city managers, law enforcement agencies, and first responders face mounting pressure to combat crime and respond to emergencies with limited resources, real-time crime centers empowered by a new generation of data-driven technologies are emerging as an effective force multiplier.  Real-time crime centers Real-time crime centers (RTCCs) serve as centralized hubs where dedicated personnel leverage pioneering-edge technologies to analyze diverse data streams and provide critical support t...

Milestone Systems And Arcules Announce Exciting Merger

Global video technology company Milestone Systems is pleased to announce that effective July 1, 2024, they will merge with the cloud-based video surveillance solutions provider, Arcules. The merger brings together Milestone and Arcules’ best-in-class capabilities within video management software (VMS), video analytics, and video surveillance as a service (VSaaS), providing a complete video technology offering. A vision for the future The VSaaS market is predicted to experience exponenti...

Milestone Systems Funds Award-Winning Research Project At The University Of Aalborg

Milestone Systems, a pioneering provider of video technology, announced that the award-winning research project furthers the AI capabilities of thermal cameras and Milestone’s video technology software to monitor and assess unusual behavior and enhance safety in harbors around the world. Every year 236,000 people drown around the world. In Denmark, the harbors have witnessed numerous drowning incidents over the years, with 1,647 lives lost between 2001 and 2015. A quarter of these tragedi...

Milestone Systems case studies

Milestone Provides XProtect Video Management Software To Enhance Security For Massachusetts General Hospital

With 1,300 cameras recording 24/7 and more than 1,000 investigations to process per year, Massachusetts General Hospital’s security team was not able to keep up with the vast amounts of recorded video. Now, BriefCam Syndex Pro for fast video review, search and analysis, embedded within a Milestone XProtect video management software (VMS) platform is making efficient and effective video investigation possible. Unique challenges to security Massachusetts General Hospital’s (MGH) Pol...

Milestone Systems’ XProtect Video Management Software (VMS) Offers Enhanced Security, Safety, And Efficiency For Jackson Hole Airport (JAC)

Being isolated on the edge of wilderness means there’s a need for a video system that’s both reliable and flexible. For that reason, the team at Jackson Hole Airport (JAC) since 2009 has relied on video management software (VMS) from Milestone Systems to enhance security, safety, and efficiency. Challenge - Help to keep scaling At the edge of the frontier, Jackson Hole Airport has experienced considerable growth over the years. Significant capital investments in expansions have ma...

Puerto Rico Protects More Than 850 Public Schools With The Help Of Milestone Systems Software

The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico needed to implement a centralized and efficient perimeter security system for all public schools on the island. Intrusions and assaults at educational institutions have increased, and Hurricane Maria further exacerbated problems with the destruction of infrastructure. The solution: The need to repair hurricane damage also provided opportunities to invest in modern improvements. The Department of Education chose to install a video surveillance system with more th...