Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) - Expert commentary

Identity And Access Management In 2022 - What Will The Future Look Like?

As we enter into 2022, there is still a level of uncertainty in place. It’s unclear what the future holds, as companies around the world still contend with the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote working has been encouraged by most organizations and the move to a hybrid working system has become ‘business as usual’, for the majority of businesses. Some have reduced their office space or done away with their locations altogether. Following best security practices With all this change in...

Supply And Demand: The Ways Cloud Supports A Stronger Supply Chain

Cloud-based applications and platforms revolutionize supply chain management, helping stakeholders scale operations from small businesses to complex enterprises. Cloud supply chain solutions are showing significant increases in implementation – so much so the sheer number of organizations with a cloud solution outpace or far outnumbers the ones that don't. But there is one area that has still not made the switch to the cloud, most often the security department. But the advent of using vid...

Crossing The Divide - Automating Security Processes Across Physical, Business And IT Domains

Security is a critical requirement for all organizations. Getting security right involves the correct mix of people, processes and technology working together. However, many enterprise companies don’t look at the full mix that encompasses information security, and instead split their physical security and business continuity teams away from their IT security departments. According to research by ASIS, around half (52 per cent) of companies have converged two or three out of their physica...

‘We Want To Become Better Known For Access Control’ - Q&A With Bosch Building Technologies’ Gregor Schlechtriem

Gregor Schlechtriem has worked in the access control market for over 20 years and is now responsible for the Access & Intrusion Business Unit at Bosch Building Technologies. In this interview, the expert talks about key industry trends, the impact of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, technical innovations and his company’s strategy. Mr. Schlechtriem, you have many years of experience in the security technology market. What is your background and what are your responsibilities as Se...

Protect Physical Assets From Cyber-Attacks

Recent cyber-attacks have disabled and even shut down physical assets. Robust foundational security and training staff, able to recognize an attack can help mitigate the threat, as ABB’s Rob Putman explains. Edge devices and data analytics As cyber security specialists, we must navigate an ever-changing threat landscape, one that is made even more complex by the increased interconnectivity between Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT), as companies look to leverage...

The Robotic Transformation Of The Security Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic is only accelerating the expansion of Automation, Robotics, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and changing how people live their daily lives. This expansion leads the way with technologies that are developed to solve problems, improve operations, streamline processes and assist people, to focus on learning new skills, creativity, and imagination. Transformation of the physical security industry One of the latest industries to be permanently transform...

How Schools Can Make Outdoor Learning Safe And Secure

Schools were never designed and built with social distancing in mind. So it’s perhaps not surprising that as children returned to schools for the autumn term this year, the prospect of outdoor classes and assemblies was mooted in the media and by the Government. Many in the education sector are making the case that, should there be further COVID-19 outbreaks, in the coming months, it would be better to utilize outside space, rather than resort to closing schools. In the COVID-19 era, head...

The Growing Popularity Of Personal Safety Apps

The past year has elevated consumer awareness about personal safety, from COVID-19 issues to social unrest, making safety top-of-mind and the need for personal safety solutions, even more prevalent. In addition, consumers spent more time at home, as schools closed, events were canceled and remote work increased. This prompted two major shifts that, in my opinion, most significantly opened the need for and raised the popularity of mobile safety solutions. Demand for grocery and food delivery...

Cutting Through The Hype: AI And ML For The Security Space

Today’s organizations face numerous diverse threats to their people, places and property, sometimes simultaneously. Security leaders now know all too well how a pandemic can cripple a company’s ability to produce goods and services, or force production facilities to shut down, disrupting business continuity. For example, a category three hurricane barreling towards the Gulf of Mexico could disable the supplier’s facilities, disrupt the supply chain and put unexpected pressure o...

Sensor Data Fusion For More Reliable Intrusion Alarm Systems

Intrusion alarm systems are currently facing a growing number of potential error sources in the environment. At the same time, alarm systems must comply with increasingly demanding legal requirements for sensors and motion detectors. As a future-proof solution, detectors equipped with Sensor Data Fusion technology raise the level of security while reducing the risk of cost- and time-intensive false alarms. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Sensor Data Fusion technology. Anti-mas...

Access Control Vs. Traditional Locks: Which Is Better & How?

The concept of security has substantially upgraded because of technological advancements. We have seen a shift from mechanical locks to electronic locks and door access control systems which are more relied upon nowadays for watertight security and safety. But, choosing the system that is the best for you requires understanding how both these technologies work. In this article, you will get a clear idea of: How electronic locks are better than traditional locks The difference between access...

Mitigating The Total Risks And Cost Of A Physical Security Incident

Owning and operating an entertainment venue comes with increasing levels of risk – whether it’s during the current pandemic or in a post-pandemic world. With the additional challenge of safe re-opening comes increased levels of social unrest, emboldened and unruly patrons, and increasing threats from weapons and other prohibited materials. The venue owners and operators have an obligation to keep patrons and employees safe from these kinds of security threats, while not negatively...

How To Build Smarter, More Secure Cities From The Ground Up

Today, we live in a technology-obsessed age. Whichever way you look, it’s hard to avoid the increasing number applications, products and solutions that continue to redefine the boundaries of what we previously thought possible. From autonomous vehicles and edge computing to 5G and the Internet of Things, all facets of our lives are continuing to evolve, thanks to an endless stream of differentiated innovations. In this article, we’ll be focusing on the latter of these - the Internet...

Video Surveillance As A Service (VSaaS) From Integrator And User Perspective

Technology based on the cloud has become a popular trend. Most IT systems now operate within the cloud or offer cloud capabilities, and video surveillance is no exception: virtually every major hardware and software vendor offers cloud-based services. Users benefit from the cloud due to its numerous advantages, such as ease of implementation, scalability, low maintenance costs, etc. Video surveillance as a service (VSaaS) offers many choices, so there is an optimal solution for each user. Howev...

What About Electronic Door Locks With Remote Control?

Most consumers are enjoying the convenience brought by electronic locks. With the existence of electronic locks, people no longer need to be restricted by keys. There are a variety of unlocking methods and more convenient remote control unlocking options. Suppose, you are going on vacation, and with the presence of an electronic lock, you can easily enter your house with your babysitter, without a spare key. Of course, not only smart homes, but also some infrastructure and commercial buildings...

Access The Right Areas - Making A Smart Home Genius With Biometrics

Household adoption of smart home systems currently sits at 12.1% and is set to grow to 21.4% by 2025, expanding the market from US$ 78.3 billion to US$ 135 billion, in the same period. Although closely linked to the growth of connectivity technologies, including 5G, tech-savvy consumers are also recognizing the benefits of next-generation security systems, to protect and secure their domestic lives. Biometric technologies are already commonplace in our smartphones, PCs and payment cards, enhan...

The Physical Side Of Data Protection

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated our digital dependency, on a global scale. Data centers have become even more critical to modern society. The processing and storage of information underpin the economy, characterized by a consistent increase in the volume of data and applications, and reliance upon the internet and IT services. Data centers classed as CNI As such, they are now classed as Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) and sit under the protection of the National Cybe...

Representation At Security Events - A Benchmark For Progress And Diversity

Everyone in security understands the significance of events, such as trade shows, road shows, seminars, galas and meet-and-greets. Whether virtual or in-person, these gatherings are important for a number of reasons. Role of security events For start-ups and high-profile manufacturers alike, security events have been the place to display new products, interact with key customers and strengthen existing partnerships. They serve as a forecast for evolution, showcasing the latest advancements in...

The Future Of Secure Identity & Access Is Not Using Passwords

For many businesses and organizations, the term 'authentication' is synonymous with 'password' or 'multi-factor authentication (MFA)’. However, because today's business ecosystem is complex and stretches across distributed workforces with work from home, BYOD policies, and multiple cloud environments, it is very challenging to efficiently recognize and authenticate identities of people, processes, and devices throughout the enterprise using traditional methods. The problem with passwords...

Changing The Landscape Of Event Security With Martyn’s Law

Martyn’s Law (also known as ‘Protect Duty’) could forever change the landscape of event security if changes to legislation are passed. Some would argue it already has. In 2017, just as concertgoers were leaving the Manchester Arena, a terrorist detonated an improvised explosive device in a suicide attack killing 22 and injuring more than 250. The mother of one of the victims, Martyn Hett, has tirelessly campaigned for tighter security and a duty of care to be placed upon venu...

Seeing Eye To AI - How Smart Video Is Shaping The Edge

The evolution of smart video technology continues at pace. As in many other industries, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic expedited timelines and the artificial intelligence (AI) video world is continuing its rapid evolution in 2021. As video demand and the use of AI to make sense of the visual data increase, the number of cameras and subsequent data produced are growing rapidly, and these are forcing the creation of new edge architectures. Cameras and AI in traffic management ‘Smart f...

Biometric Face Recognition In Physical Security, Health Safety, And Workforce Management

The last year revolutionized the way people work. When offices transitioned to work-from-home and worksites implemented social distancing, the security industry saw an overnight shift in what technologies our customers wanted. Now that businesses are bringing employees back to work in-person, management has broadened their focus to include healthy access in their security plans. Healthy access is a modern security concept that uses the latest technologies to blend employee and visitor health wi...

What Changes Has COVID-19 Bought To The Installation Of VA/PA Systems?

TOA Corporation (UK) Ltd discuss what changes COVID-19 has bought to the installation of VA/PA Systems and how the integration of IP has impacted on that. With a year and a half of global uncertainty, we have seen huge changes in what VA/PA systems will need to deliver in order to provide safe and robust solutions with advanced zone and directional messaging. The impact of COVID has pushed installers to re-think what end-users need long-term to manage any future changes in guidelines especiall...

How Security And Automation Are Helping Small Businesses Navigate The ‘New Normal’

Small and medium businesses of all kinds encountered unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. And now that businesses have reopened, they are facing new obstacles through each stage of recovery. Business owners need to look for solutions that can help them manage these issues now and beyond. Challenges ranging from lack of cash flow to staffing challenges to IT security issues for businesses with remote workers can be lessened by security and automation solutions. One of the main...

Strengthening The Physical And Cyber Barriers Around Critical Infrastructure

It has long been recognized that no one is safe from cyber-attacks, but some sectors face a much higher level of threat than others. Critical infrastructure sectors such as utilities, energy and industrial manufacturing are some of those that face an intense level of interest from cyber criminals and nation-state groups across the globe. The impacts of a successful attack can have detrimental consequences, for both the cyber and physical side of the business, in terms of business disruption, ec...

Remote Security Needed To Protect Hybrid Working Enterprises

This past year has seen multiple changes to how a business operates, especially the way we work. Lockdowns have triggered a mass shift to remote work and now businesses are setting their sights on hybrid working models as the world opens up again. However, there's a growing issue to contend with this new hybrid workforce model – the ever-growing threat of cyberattacks as new security risks and cyberattacks are by no means slowing down. Cybercrime, which includes everything from theft and...

How Body Worn Cameras And AI Can Curb The Issue Of Abusive Behavior

Amongst the many negative consequences of the pandemic is a rise in violent and abusive behavior across society. Health workers have experienced it on a regular basis. So too have police officers and public transport workers. Unfortunately, violence and abuse towards shop workers is also endemic in British society. To address this problem which, in truth, has been on the rise since long before the emergence of COVID-19, we need better deterrents. The ability to prosecute these offenses is one...

Hybrid Working Presents Remote And Physical Security Challenges

Ask anyone how they are, and you will probably get the default response: “Fine.” Ask again and you will get a more truthful response. This could be anything from how things are going well, through grumbling around sports results, or more serious statements about pressure and mental health. Getting that real response is essential if you are going to make a difference in the future. For those of us involved in security and access management, pressure is almost a default state. Managin...

Happy, Engaged Employees Are The Key To A Profitable Business

It is a truism that in the physical security industry your workforce and your reputation are the business’s largest and most important assets. Managing your workforce with empathy to ensure happy, engaged employees can be a balancing act. However, providing flexible working practices that are still profitable for your business is achievable, and something that every security business should be aiming for. SmartTask CEO, Paul Ridden discusses the hidden benefits of an engaged workforce an...

Physical Access Control: Critical Steps To Ensure A Smarter Future

Steven Kenny, Axis Communications, looks at the benefits of physical access control systems within smart environments, and how knowledge gaps and dated methods can inhibit adoption. Physical security is becoming more dynamic and more interconnected, as it evolves. Today’s modern access control solutions are about so much more than simply opening doors, with digitalization bringing multiple business benefits, which would simply not be possible using traditional models. Digital transformat...