Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) - Expert commentary

A New Breed Of Security Leadership: How The Digital Age Is Transforming The Security Professional

The importance of data is ever-growing. For every profession, we’re witnessing the increasing reliance on data and its ability to promote efficiency for corporate decision-makers. The security industry is no different. The growing reliance on data and technological tools has allowed for a new breed of professionals with specialized skill sets. This evolution reflects the changing nature of security challenges in the digital age. The new security environment We know one thing from near...

Aesthetic Access Control: Finding The Balance

Where access control is concerned, architects and design teams must find the right balance between aesthetics, functionality and security, says Daniel May of Consort Architectural Hardware. Following a period of innovation and integration, access control has developed into an ever-prominent facet of building design over the past decade. Where systems were once rudimentary, modern user requirements have led to several operational and technological advancements, resulting in a versatile selection...

“The Potential Is Enormous” - Interview With Dr. Henrik Siegle, CTO At Bosch Building Technologies

Dr. Henrik Siegle has been the CTO at Bosch Building Technologies since November 2021. In this interview, he speaks about the megatrends of energy efficiency and sustainability, and about new developments in the building technology sector. Dr. Siegle, the building industry is currently facing major challenges in the form of climate change and energy shortages. How is Bosch Building Technologies dealing with these challenges? Dr. Henrik Siegle: Energy efficiency and sustainability have long...

The Only Guarantee: Data Growth – Can Your Infrastructure Keep Up?

Video surveillance has become the king of data—and is known to be the largest producer of data in the world. A single day of video surveillance is estimated to produce more than 500 petabytes of data—for context, a single petabyte is equivalent to 1,000 terabytes – and that number is only expected to grow. Why is it expected to grow? The answer lies with new and emerging technology, and the way that technology operates. For physical security teams, the rapid amount of data the...

Want Cyber Insurance? Better Get Patching!

Managing the technology stack and known vulnerabilities is becoming a key criteria for cyber insurance pay outs. Open source software has once again made the headlines following warnings to organizations about the release of a new version of OpenSSL. Released on 1st November 2022, the new version patched vulnerabilities in version 3.0 and above of the nearly ubiquitously used cryptographic library for encrypting communications on the Internet. Remote code execution The OpenSSL Project team to...

Elevators - 14 Considerations For RFID Reader Selection

RFID and emerging mobile access technologies are easy to implement and allow elevator access to be integrated with other access control solutions throughout the building, from building entry to printer access. The right RFID reader can help reduce complexity by migrating diverse older technologies into a single convenient solution. Ways RFID Works Radio-frequency identification (RFID) and smartphone-based credentialling systems using Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) or Near-Field Communication...

How To Prepare Your Security For A Rapidly Changing World

You’re no psychic. You probably don’t have the power of clairvoyance. But guess what? When it comes to your security, none of that matters. You can still create future-proof security by properly equipping yourself. Here’s how. Understanding access control Security is changing faster than ever before. With new threats inside the workplace and smaller security teams taking on more tasks, IT and security personnel must automate their processes using new technology. One difficu...

The Past, Present And Future Of GRC Technology

At the start of the millennium, GRC was still very much in its infancy. Fast forward to 2022 and it is no longer seen as a siloed process. Now it is an organization-wide concern that permeates every decision from C-suite to the shop floor. And its evolution shows no sign of slowing down as modern solutions are changing the way that GRC processes are delivered and embedded into day-to-day operations within organizations. So, what does the future look like? In an era where risk is accelerating, w...

Everything You Need To Know About Adding Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) To Your Building

If defense is the best form of attack, then in security, planned preventative maintenance (PPM) is the best way to protect your business from harm. Also known as PPM, the service ensures that your security efforts are up-to-date and effective. In the latest how-to guide, discover the benefits of planned preventative maintenance and learn how to add PPM to your building. What is Planned Preventative Maintenance? You have installed all of the necessary security measures for your business, now wh...

How Technology Addresses Worker Shortages In Security

It’s clear that despite recent layoffs in the tech industry and general unease about the economy, there are still significant gaps in the number of jobs available and the amount of workers available to fill them. According to the Labor Department, there are 5.5 million more job openings than workers available. The physical security industry is not immune to these shortages. Last fall, Allied Universal reported being unable to fill thousands of open roles nationally while other smaller se...

How Secure Is Your Identity Management Solution?

Identity management is an important element of both data security and physical security in an organization. But all ID management solutions are not the same—especially when it comes to security. There are no uniform security standards for the industry, and many off-the-shelf systems fall short when it comes to data protection. To protect people, property, and data, make sure you select a system that maximizes security at every stage. What is identity management? Identity management&mdas...

The Pandemic And Security - Are We Out Of The Woods?

For the past few years, security professionals have had to change the way that they go about protecting their organizations. From challenging old assumptions around access control through to implementing more access management and authentication policies, security has been at the heart of how companies have responded to the pandemic. The journey to more modern security processes that could support more flexible working was a rapid one. Remote work programs have bedded in, based on how IT secur...

What Will Changes To Data Privacy Legislation Mean For Security And Surveillance Companies?

In the UK there is a new data reform act working its way through the legislative process. As the law changes, the market changes – so this year will see many companies trying to read the tea leaves and adapt their offerings to take advantage of the emerging changes. The security marketplace is, apparently, constrained by the need for great privacy – it appears to be a zero-sum game – you can have privacy, or you can have security, you can’t have both. In the second half...

Finding The Right Integrator For Enterprise Organizations

Enterprise security directors often count on an integration firm to handle jobs ranging from day-to-day activities to long-term, technology-laden projects. However, before entering a relationship, you must know what's reasonable to expect from an integrator – as not all are created equal. Here are some tips that might make the selection process easier. Completing comprehensive classwork An integrator's experience working in an enterprise environment is an obvious consideration. Ideally...

Talking Total Cost Of Ownership With True Cloud Video Surveillance

Integrators need to be well versed in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), when discussing video surveillance options with their customers. Business leaders are looking for the best, most economical technology that will address their security needs, and they also want to avoid being blind-sided by unplanned technology operations and service costs. While most folks understand that the initial cost of a video surveillance system is not the same as the total cost of ownership, many might be surprised to...

The Right To Privacy In The Age Of Digital Eyes

Back in 1890, Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis published a ground-breaking article in the Harvard Law review called ‘The Right to Privacy’. To this day, it is regarded as one of the most influential essays in the history of American law and is widely regarded as the first publication in the United States of America to advocate a right to privacy, articulating that right primarily as a ‘right to be let alone’. In this essay, the authors questioned whether the arrival of p...

Want The Benefits Of True Cloud: Look Beyond The Cloud Marketing

Many people, quite correctly, point to—which launched in February of 2000—as the first example of cloud computing. In the years following, the term ‘cloud’ became so popular and was applied to so many products and service offerings, that it became almost meaningless. The result was cloud confusion in the business world and in the media. In one stark example from 2008, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison described news stories about cloud as, ‘complete gibberis...

OPINION: School Safety – It’s Time To Accelerate The Adoption Of Security Tech

We must leverage existing technologies like social media monitoring, gunshot and weapons detection, and real-time watchlist alerting. We owe it to our children. The recent news of the Dallas elementary school shooting absolutely gutted me. It’s a tragic and incomprehensible loss of life. A question I hear being asked again and again – could technology have made a difference? From my experience, modern technologies can help schools mitigate some of the damage and provide an early w...

True Cloud Video Surveillance: Do We Need Cloud Police?

Currently and unfortunately, there is no such thing as Cloud Police. If there were, two-thirds or more of the companies using ‘cloud’ in their advertising and documentation would be in Cloud Jail for seriously misusing the word in their marketing. The term ‘Cloud’ is over-used and misused—sometimes intentionally and knowingly, but also often in ignorance. It’s just a word—but in the context of cloud computing technology, it does have a specific meaning...

Illumio - Securing The Supply Chain Against Cyber Attacks

Trevor Dearing, the EMEA Director of Critical Infrastructure Solutions at Illumio, said “It is encouraging to see NIST releasing updated guidance acknowledging the increase in cyber-attacks targeting the supply chain and the consequent necessity to bolster the supply chain’s cyber security. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the exponential increase in attacks on the IT systems of manufacturers, logistics companies and organizations, which ultimately target the operational part of...

Eleven Considerations For Embedded System RFID Readers

Today, RFID readers can be found in numerous devices requiring user authentication, authorization and access control, from doors to multi-function printers to point of sale terminals to computers and more. RFID is a simple, secure and convenient access control solution for end users and original equipment manufacturers. RFID readers/writers come with a broad range of form factors, capabilities and configurations. Choosing the right RFID reader When choosing a reader to embed into a system or d...

Why People Will Power Business Security In 2022

In the era of the ‘Great Resignation’, it may seem counterintuitive to say that people will power business security in 2022. However, a convergence of challenges over the past few years has led to an undeniable trend in the security industry: With more technology comes the need for more people to monitor, analyze and leverage the data that technology produces. Always-on approach to security Since businesses were forced into lockdown two years ago, we’ve seen technology adopti...

Creating A Balanced Co-Existence Between Privacy And Security

Most individuals have strong opinions about what is more essential to our civilization: personal privacy or security. After more than a decade of technology enabling greater and greater amounts of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and data harvesting, now the pendulum is swinging towards a society that places more emphasis on individual rights and privacies. This shift is manifesting in a variety of ways, quickly changing the technology, security and cyber security landscapes, and requi...

ACaaS — The Future Of Access Control Systems

Software as a Service (SaaS) provides computer equipment, OS, and software customized to the user’s purposes as a service. Access control can work in the same way. If you work in the physical security industry, especially concerning access control, you have probably heard about the term ‘ACaaS’ recently. ACaaS is a combination of ‘access control’ and ‘SaaS’ (Software as a Service). From a semantic point of view, ACaaS means providing cloud-based access c...

New Physical Security Tools, Information Overload, And The Big Picture For Corporate Teams

Technology continues to transform the physical security industry, helping companies become more aware of the full spectrum of risks their organization faces. Our new survey provides strong evidence that the use of these tools is solving some problems, but their implementation may create new challenges. In our 2022 State of Protective Intelligence Report, 93% of respondents said their company was actively adopting new threat intelligence, monitoring and alerting solutions for physical security,...

Vascular Recognition Technology: The Next Biometric Security Standard

This is an era of digital revolution and with it comes dozens of new security dangers. Every gadget, from our smartphones to our security cameras, need some kind of protection from external hacking. However, how can we assure the safety of our devices, workplaces, etc.? Biometric security is one such security method that has emerged, since it is both efficient and perceived foolproof. It offers an additional layer of security for businesses and personal security systems. Biometric security syste...

Oosto Offers 10 Reasons To Switch To Frictionless Access Control In Commercial Buildings

Access control for buildings is nothing new. Early forms of security access for business security systems were introduced in the 1960s, as business owners and managers looked for alternatives to keys, as a result of needing to frequently replace them, when there was a change in personnel. It’s only in recent years that the urgency to implement smarter, more efficient, and convenient forms of access control has increased, in the context of public and private sector digital transformation....

The Future Of Fingerprint Biometrics

Fingerprint biometrics is hugely relevant in the current landscape. Even amidst other newer developments, fingerprint authentication provides convenience and affordability. There are talks rife about how the coronavirus pandemic has changed the outlook towards fingerprint biometrics. What is currently the most used authentication technology is being speculated to be unsafe, when compared to other touchless biometrics and that its usage in the future would decrease significantly. However, the adv...

The Role Of Private Security In A Hybrid Working World

COVID-19 has undoubtedly impacted all industries, leaving its mark for years to come. Multiple lockdowns forced businesses across multiple sectors to reassess the way they worked, with many adapting to working from home due to the various stay-at-home orders. Data from a 2021 ONS survey revealed that 25.7 percent of the UK workforce, or 8.4 million people, worked from home during the pandemic, more than doubling the 2019 figure of 12.4 percent. A further nine million people were placed on furlo...

How Security Pros Can Leverage Clients’ Trust Into Bigger Jobs And New Revenue Streams

Business owners know the security of their properties is one of their most important daily concerns, and that leads many of them to work with professional security integrators who can design and deliver robust systems that provide protection and peace-of-mind through modern technologies and services. That’s why security integrators, by their very nature, have an invaluable tool that can be leveraged into bigger jobs: clients’ trust. As highly-trusted partners with extensive experien...