Articles by Mitchell Kane

Cloud Systems, Cybersecurity And Mobile Credentials Will Continue To Drive Debate In 2018

Overall, it’s been quite a year for the industry and Vanderbilt. Last year, we predicted that the security industry would see a rise in cloud-based systems in 2017, and based on the developments and trends we've seen over the last 12 months, that forecast has come true. ACT365 Access Control And VMS Vanderbilt introduced the ACT365 cloud-based access control and video management solution to its portfolio, and it has plans to educate the marketplace on the technological and economic advan...

Access Control Moves From Siloed Security Solution To Integrated Approach

The year of 2016 ended with Vanderbilt finalizing the acquisition of Access Control Technology Ltd., which strengthened the company’s product portfolio and introduced an entirely new market segment to partners and customers in Ireland and the United Kingdom. ACT brings an existing cloud-based access control solution to Vanderbilt, thereby complementing the existing product mix. This new technology adds significant value to our customers in Europe, and we plan to deliver it to our customer...

IT & Access Control Collaboration Leads To Functional, Personnel And Financial Benefits

IT access control offers significant cost savings per unit or door as less hardware is required to cover a large area Over the last several years, there has been a revolution in access control methodologies including increased integration with video management software and video surveillance capabilities that better protect businesses and enterprise applications. But nowhere is the integration space more progressive in scope than the collaboration between the IT department and...

Mobile & Biometric Access Control To Build In 2016 With Increased Need For Perimeter Security

While the access control market typically moves at a near glacial pace, 2015 brought quite a bit of news to the marketplace, including the rise in advanced biometrics, the development of more and more mobile applications for access control and important acquisitions that put smaller manufacturers on the map. For Vanderbilt, 2015 was a big year as we brought the Siemens Security Products business into the fold, building our global brand and awareness of our award-winning solutions that have been...

Open Architecture In Access Control - Room For Improvement

Integrators and end users should be aware that their definition of open might differ from those of security manufacturers Much of the buzz in the industry today about open architecture is driven by the IT world, with many security-related decisions now falling on an organization’s IT department, where true open architecture has been around for a long time. Closed systems like we’ve experienced in the security world are not just viewed as foreign to the IT world; th...

Online And Offline Locks: Leveraging The Best Of Both Options

Online wireless locks enable real-time online access control functionality Organizations require more than a “one-size-fits-all” approach from their access control technology. Today, integrators leverage a mix of both online wireless and offline locks to provide a more customized system for each end user. By combining online and offline locks, integrators have the ability to expand the limits of an access control system, with more doors and greater capabilities tha...