Integrated security companies (16 found)

Colfax's workstations, servers, storage, and cloud services power engineers and researchers at the forefront of innovation and discovery.

Crocus Technology is a leading developer of magnetically enhanced semiconductor technology. The company's MLU-based products target a wide variety of opportunities in digital security, storage, networking, cloud computing, mobile computing, automotive and industrial markets.

Delopt is a provider of human traffic analysis solutions includimg people counting systems, footfall counters.etc. It also provides video analytics & surveillance system for commercial buildings & private organizations.

Demisto Enterprise offers the first and only comprehensive, Security Operations Platform to combine security orchestration, incident management and interactive investigation. Demisto’s orchestration engine automates security product tasks and weaves in the human analyst tasks and workflows. It's the first machine learning incident response platform that gets smarter with every analyst action.

Dremio is the open and easy data lakehouse, providing self-service SQL analytics, data warehouse performance and functionality, and data lake flexibility across all of your data. Hundreds of organizations, including 3 of the Fortune 5, use Dremio to deliver mission-critical BI on the data lake.

Enlighted is a proptech provider of IoT solutions at the intersection of people, space, and work. It offers a unique combination of cognitive environmental IoT sensors and lighting controls that connect to intelligent workplace experience apps, offering a singular, scalable, interoperable solution to address a spectrum of building, space, and productivity needs.

Gigamon enables organizations to run fast, and stay secure. The company delivers unified network visibility and analytics on all data-in-transit. Across physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure, Gigamon aggregates, transforms and analyses the network traffic to meet critical performance, rapid threat detection and response needs

JETprotect was founded in March 2008 and is located in Santa Clara, Ca. An R&D / manufacturing company that provides high-tech, harsh environment hardware and analytic software for surveillance and intelligence products for government agencies, corporate security and private safety.

Micro Focus is one of the enterprise software providers. They deliver trusted and proven mission-critical software that keeps the digital world running. Micro Focus helps customers accelerate, simplify, strengthen, and analyze their business and operations so they can run and transform their enterprise.

The Physical Security Interoperability Alliance is a global consortium of over 65 physical security manufacturers and systems integrators focused on promoting interoperability of IP-enabled security devices across all segments of the security industry. The company's currently five active working groups: IP video, video analytics, recording and content management, area control and systems.

Plus is a global provider of highly automated driving and fully autonomous driving solutions. Plus provides software solutions that are designed for fast and easy integration with various hardware platforms, vehicle types, and levels of automation.

At ServiceNow, they make the world of work, work better for people. They deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity. They provide service management, enterprise cloud, custom app development, platform, ITSM, IT asset management, security operations, customer service management, and digitize workflows.

The Shape technology platform, covered by 50+ patents, stops automated fraud and other attacks on web and mobile applications, including credential stuffing, account takeover, scraping, and unauthorized aggregation. Shape is one of the largest processors of login traffic in the world and protects more than 1.3 billion user accounts.

Tuya Smart is a global IoT Cloud Platform that connects the intelligent needs of consumers, manufacturers, brands, OEMs, and retail chains. The platform provides developers with a one-stop IoT PaaS-level solution that contains hardware development tools, global cloud services, and smart business platform development, offering comprehensive ecosystem empowerment from technology to marketing channels to build a pioneer IoT PaaS.

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