Facial recognition systems - Expert commentary

The Future Of Home Security: How AI Integration Is Rapidly Changing Security Systems For The Better

As part of ever-evolving technological advancements and the increase in digitization, home security systems remain a vital piece of equipment for at least 39 million households in the U.S., and as many as 13 million more households may install new security systems in the next 12 months. Global home security market In addition, a recent study found that 60% of burglars are deterred from attempting a burglary when a home has a security system, looking for alternative targets that are easier. A...

Why Biometrics Are Key To A Safe Paris Olympics

The European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) framework represents some of the toughest and most secure privacy laws in the world. Their creation signaled the EU’s dedication to individual privacy rights and generated new standards and requirements for an organization inside or outside of the EU wanting to do business in the region. This privacy stance raises an interesting question: to what extent (if any) will France be utilizing AI-assisted security and biometri...

Four Misconceptions Regarding AI And Analytics In Video Security

Misconceptions about AI and analytics in video security are common due to the rapid evolution of the technology and varying levels of understanding. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and analytics are increasingly used as interchangeable terms when discussing video security cameras. AI v/s analytics While there is some overlap, it is important to articulate the differences between them when speaking to stakeholders or customers. As the myriad types of AI gain more prominence in the global dialog&...

Nedap Adapts To Change: The Dynamic Nature Of Retail Crime

With the rise of organized retail crime (ORC) making headlines, retailers are grappling with the dual challenge of safeguarding both their staff and store assets, while addressing the economic pressures that impact profitability and consumer demand.  RFID technology The key lies in identifying effective solutions to counter the current surge in ORC, enabling retailers to secure their vulnerable staff and protect inventory for paying customers. Technology plays a crucial role in supportin...

ASSA ABLOY Discusses How The Door Security Industry Can Keep Rising To The Occasion

If you were to ask people outside our industry what door and access security entails, chances are their answers would reflect their common encounters with locks, security guards, cameras, and maybe metal detectors, badges, or automatic doors. But if they were curious enough, they’d probably be astounded to learn how extensive, intricate, and interesting the business can be and, of course, how vital it is to life safety, physical security, and cybersecurity.   Integrated, inter...

Exploring Evolving Trends In Data Security: Unveiling Key Developments

It’s no secret that the data security sector is constantly changing. It has an annual CGR of about 12.3%. Future trends in data security Much of this has to do with the rise of cybercrime in recent years, with reports showing that cyberattacks happen as often as every 39 seconds. To combat the growing rate of cybercrime, data security has been on the rise. As we journey further into this era, it becomes evident that a spectrum of significant trends is molding the future of data se...

3 Trends To Watch At GSX Conference 2023

GSX 2023 marks a poignant moment for the security industry as an increasingly complex risk landscape converges with the acceleration of technology innovation. Emerging from this environment are three key trends that will dominate the conference and the future of the security industry: (i) the adoption of AI, (ii) the use of predictive analytics, and (iii) a hybrid global and local risk management approach. As Chief Security Officer of Crisis24, a GardaWorld company, I regularly advise cli...

The Evolving Role Of Access Control In Healthcare

Daniel May of Consort reviews the integration of access control systems in healthcare settings, outlining the benefits and key considerations decision-makers must make throughout product specifications.  From patient safety and traversal to the protection of sensitive data and pharmaceuticals, healthcare environments are faced with several operational challenges. And where security remains at the forefront of decision-making, modern access control systems may often hold the answers. Physi...

Efficacious K-12 Solutions In A Challenging, Fluid World

Mass attacks continue to lead the news far too often. All are horrific and disturbing, but the heartbreaking tragedies that have unfolded on school campuses touch us the deepest and have the most profound effects on our communities. NTAC statistics According to a January 2023 report from the United States Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), K-12 events accounted for 6% of all mass attacks in public and semi-public spaces between 2016 and 2020. 6% may strike some as being...

Responsible Technology: Upholding Ethical Standards And Protecting Human Rights Within Security

Open platform video technology software is more than just a product; it's a tool that helps customers achieve their desired business outcomes. Safety, round-the-clock security, and increased operational efficiencies are now the norm due to video technology. Responsible Technology Despite humanity’s impressive technological advances, we also recognize the immense responsibility that comes with technological innovation. It's not enough to focus solely on the positive impact video technolo...

Why The Term “Security Team” Is Too Limiting

There’s been a long history of people thinking of “gates, guards, and guns” when referring to physical security. And for a long time, this was the norm. When analog cameras required significant amounts of wiring and a dedicated guard to watch said feeds (think about any action movie from the 90s), the assumption was that security was protecting assets, but had little to do with the overall business.  Defining security with recent advancements Fast forward to more recen...

Aesthetic Access Control: Finding The Balance

Where access control is concerned, architects and design teams must find the right balance between aesthetics, functionality and security, says Daniel May of Consort Architectural Hardware. Following a period of innovation and integration, access control has developed into an ever-prominent facet of building design over the past decade. Where systems were once rudimentary, modern user requirements have led to several operational and technological advancements, resulting in a versatile selection...

The Latest Trends In Biometrics For Access Control (2023 Advancements)

A study found that over 80% of smartphones have biometric protection enabled, up from 68% a few years ago - these statistics alone show the trajectory of biometric security solutions. In the world of access control systems, biometric advancements allow for more secure authentication measures and seamless security processes. As more products and services hit the market, learn our predictions for the 2023 biometric trends in this article. Biometric access control systems What are biometric acc...

Importance Of Protecting Educational Establishments: Privacy Vs. Visibility

The UK’s future depends on our children. Within the four walls of classrooms around the country, young minds are inspired, practical skills are learnt, and new passions are established; these will be tapped into by pupils for decades to come. To make sure outmoded security measures are not having an adverse effect on the performance within, we must first examine the limits and physical safeguards around these educational institutions. When planning and building any facility for the educat...

Want Cyber Insurance? Better Get Patching!

Managing the technology stack and known vulnerabilities is becoming a key criteria for cyber insurance pay outs. Open source software has once again made the headlines following warnings to organizations about the release of a new version of OpenSSL. Released on 1st November 2022, the new version patched vulnerabilities in version 3.0 and above of the nearly ubiquitously used cryptographic library for encrypting communications on the Internet. Remote code execution The OpenSSL Project team to...

Door Security Trends: The Path Forward

The outlook for advancements in door security solutions is proving to be an extension of the positive trends that have emerged over the past few years and that continue to evolve in exciting new ways. That’s a good sign as we make our way along the road toward an ever-safer world. Improvements in a hybrid workforce  Here’s what we’re seeing: More and more companies are rethinking the office space and how electronic access control (EAC) security and data can help better s...

Organizations Need A New Approach To Tackle Hybrid Cloud Security Challenges

Hybrid cloud computing enables organizations to segregate their resources and workloads on-premise, in a private cloud, or in a public cloud. But despite its many benefits, the hybrid environment also creates security concerns. AlgoSec’s co-founder and CTO, Prof. Avishai Wool shares his expert insights on some of these concerns and offers best practices to boost hybrid cloud security. Hybrid cloud computing Hybrid cloud computing combines on-premises infrastructure, private cloud servic...

Why Are Construction Sites Uniquely Susceptible To Fuel Theft?

Although inflated fuel prices have somewhat settled since the summer, recent changes in legislation mean construction sites are particularly vulnerable to attempted fuel thefts. Read on to find out what’s changed, and what’s proving effective in mitigating the threat. What are the changes? As of April, this year red diesel can no longer be used in a range of vehicles, including those in construction. That means fuel bowsers are now filled with the same white diesel available to m...

How Secure Is Your Identity Management Solution?

Identity management is an important element of both data security and physical security in an organization. But all ID management solutions are not the same—especially when it comes to security. There are no uniform security standards for the industry, and many off-the-shelf systems fall short when it comes to data protection. To protect people, property, and data, make sure you select a system that maximizes security at every stage. What is identity management? Identity management&mdas...

Six trends at the intersection of video and AI

Although video camera technology has been around since the early 1900s, it was not until the 1980s that video started to gain traction for security and surveillance applications. The pictures generated by these initial black and white tube cameras were grainy at best, with early color cameras providing a wonderful new source of visual data for better identification accuracy. But by today’s standards, these cameras produced images that were about as advanced as crayons and coloring books....

Why You Should Migrate Your Video To The Cloud Now

One of the biggest security trends in the last two years has been the adoption of cloud-based services, spearheaded mainly by an increasing number of video surveillance-as-a-service (VSaaS) offerings. VSaaS market value According to MarketsandMarkets Research, the global VSaaS market value is expected to reach $6.2 billion by 2026. This growth is propelled by demand for remote access video services, less local hardware to maintain, new internet-enabled devices, and a lower total cost of owners...

What Will Changes To Data Privacy Legislation Mean For Security And Surveillance Companies?

In the UK there is a new data reform act working its way through the legislative process. As the law changes, the market changes – so this year will see many companies trying to read the tea leaves and adapt their offerings to take advantage of the emerging changes. The security marketplace is, apparently, constrained by the need for great privacy – it appears to be a zero-sum game – you can have privacy, or you can have security, you can’t have both. In the second half...

OPINION: School Safety – It’s Time To Accelerate The Adoption Of Security Tech

We must leverage existing technologies like social media monitoring, gunshot and weapons detection, and real-time watchlist alerting. We owe it to our children. The recent news of the Dallas elementary school shooting absolutely gutted me. It’s a tragic and incomprehensible loss of life. A question I hear being asked again and again – could technology have made a difference? From my experience, modern technologies can help schools mitigate some of the damage and provide an early w...

Creating A Balanced Co-Existence Between Privacy And Security

Most individuals have strong opinions about what is more essential to our civilization: personal privacy or security. After more than a decade of technology enabling greater and greater amounts of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and data harvesting, now the pendulum is swinging towards a society that places more emphasis on individual rights and privacies. This shift is manifesting in a variety of ways, quickly changing the technology, security and cyber security landscapes, and requi...

Vascular Recognition Technology: The Next Biometric Security Standard

This is an era of digital revolution and with it comes dozens of new security dangers. Every gadget, from our smartphones to our security cameras, need some kind of protection from external hacking. However, how can we assure the safety of our devices, workplaces, etc.? Biometric security is one such security method that has emerged, since it is both efficient and perceived foolproof. It offers an additional layer of security for businesses and personal security systems. Biometric security syste...

Oosto Offers 10 Reasons To Switch To Frictionless Access Control In Commercial Buildings

Access control for buildings is nothing new. Early forms of security access for business security systems were introduced in the 1960s, as business owners and managers looked for alternatives to keys, as a result of needing to frequently replace them, when there was a change in personnel. It’s only in recent years that the urgency to implement smarter, more efficient, and convenient forms of access control has increased, in the context of public and private sector digital transformation....

The Future Of Fingerprint Biometrics

Fingerprint biometrics is hugely relevant in the current landscape. Even amidst other newer developments, fingerprint authentication provides convenience and affordability. There are talks rife about how the coronavirus pandemic has changed the outlook towards fingerprint biometrics. What is currently the most used authentication technology is being speculated to be unsafe, when compared to other touchless biometrics and that its usage in the future would decrease significantly. However, the adv...

AI-Powered Security Is The Next Tech Milestone For Factories

As a result of COVID-19, artificial intelligence (AI) has become table stakes for factories. Google’s 2021 Cloud Manufacturing Report found that 76% of manufacturing executives increased their adoption of disruptive technologies, including AI, during the pandemic. AI-based facial recognition technology AI has long been used in the sector to monitor the pace of work and anticipate machine failures, a trend that is expected to continue this year as factories look to optimize operations. Ho...

How AI And Security Guards Work Together Using Video Analytics

How AI and humans can work together is a longstanding debate. As society progresses technologically, there’s always the worry of robots taking over jobs. Self-checkout tills, automated factory machines, and video analytics are all improving efficiency and productivity, but they can still work in tandem with humans, and in most cases, they need to. Video analytics in particular is one impressively intelligent piece of technology that security guards can utilize. How can video analytics he...

The Robotic Transformation Of The Security Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic is only accelerating the expansion of Automation, Robotics, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and changing how people live their daily lives. This expansion leads the way with technologies that are developed to solve problems, improve operations, streamline processes and assist people, to focus on learning new skills, creativity, and imagination. Transformation of the physical security industry One of the latest industries to be permanently transform...