Asset tracking - Expert commentary

Robotics Are Trending In The Security Solutions Sector

The emergence of smart technology into the security sector is changing risk management economics and strategy in unique ways. Such technology leverages information management at its core for a more effective security program. Case in point is the burgeoning role of autonomous data machines (ADMs or robots) that are purposely built for security. Will the advent of robots eliminate physical security officers at a site? Not any time soon, but robots are a real force multiplier by adding effec...

Wireless Tracking & RFID Enabled Real-Time Location System Protects Infants At Boston Medical Center

The Hugs Infant Protection Solution tracks the location of babies and provides protection anywhere the infant may be transported Wireless tracking and radio frequency identification (RFID) continue to improve dramatically in range and reliability, allowing Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) pinpointing people, places and things with impressive accuracy. Systems integrator Advance Technology Inc. (ATI), Scarborough, Maine, recently installed a comprehensive, hospital-wide soluti...

Healthcare End Users Seek More Integration Of Disparate Security Systems

 Part 10 of our Security in Healthcare series Ensuring the safety of patients, staff and visitors is no easy task Security integration is more than a buzzword in the hospital and healthcare vertical. Increasingly, it’s a necessity. When creating a safe and secure healthcare environment, end users should look for solutions that not only drive new levels of security and business intelligence but can provide long-term value in the future. Specifically, Kevin...

GPS And RFID Tracking To Boost Integrator Revenue

Wi-Fi, real-time location tracking and security sensors are important elements of IoT solutions The tracking of people, processes and things continues to grow, and that’s good news for systems integrators, who can add these services to their arsenal of offerings and boost their levels of recurring monthly revenue (RMR). Real-Time Location Tracking Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) are great ways to not only add security, but ope...

Financial Focus For Security

When it comes to the application of sophisticated security techniques in the banking environment - to keep assets, staff and customers safe and secure - financial institutions are looking carefully at how they can seamlessly integrate advances, such as High Definition CCTV and the monitoring of their cash machines, into their existing infrastructure.  Pauline Norstrom, Director of Worldwide Marketing at Dedicated Micros, discusses the challenges. A key issue for banks is to ensure that the...