VPS Holdings Limited News

First International Partnership And Stellar Growth For Safer Scotland

Port Glasgow-based site security firm Safer Scotland has secured its first international partnership deal amid substantial business growth and rebranded as Safer Group. Founded in 2016 by Greenock entrepreneur Ryan Clark, the business specializes in protecting construction sites, infrastructure, and assets with its high-tech intruder detection system, known as Safer Pod. Safer Pod S1 intruder detection system The business has grown strongly since its inception roughly doubling in size every 1...

The VPS Group Suggests People To Deploy Extra Security Measure To Avoid Criminal Activities During Holidays

The fes­tive peri­od in the UK tra­di­tion­al­ly sees a sig­nif­i­cant rise in crime, with atten­tion focused on construc­tion sites dur­ing their exten­sive close­down, leav­ing high-val­ue plant, equip­ment, fuel and materi­als as unat­tend­ed, attrac­tive tar­gets. Vacant ware­hous­es, retail units, and oth­er com­mer­cial premis­es are also like­ly tar­gets for organ­is...

VPS Appoints Andy Brind To Develop Growing Construction Site-security Business

In Jan­u­ary, a crim­i­nal gang was brought to jus­tice in a Bel­gian court over a mil­lion-euro series of crane, exca­va­tor and trail­er thefts. The haul, includ­ing £480,000 cement pump­ing truck, a £108,000 bulk tanker, and £50,000 worth of trail­ers, were stolen then resprayed, and sold to unsus­pect­ing cus­tomers across the UK and Ireland.  Bring­ing with him...

VPS Suggests Upgrading To A Better CCTV Security Systems To Avoid Organized Criminal Attacks At The Construction Sites

As the con­struc­tion sec­tor finds its feet again, and the costs of mate­ri­als soar, once again build­ing sites become prime tar­gets for organ­ised crim­i­nal gangs. The con­struc­tion sec­tor is now expe­ri­enc­ing a boom peri­od fol­low­ing the sup­pres­sion of build­ing work dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. But along­side the pipeline of busy works sched­ules, there is also a surge...

VPS Holdings Limited Announces The Launch Of T-Trak2.0 - VPS Trespasser Tracking Advanced Knowledge Initiative

VPS Holdings Limited (VPS) has just released their lat­est ver­sion of its ground-break­ing ini­tia­tive, to help sites pre­pare and be secured, before trespassers set up ille­gal encampments. Accord­ing to the lat­est gov­ern­ment statistics, the num­ber of trav­elers’ car­a­vans in the United Kingdom (UK) has almost tripled from 8,000 to 23,000, between 1979 and 2020. When sev­er­al car­a­vans set­tle in una...

VPS Holdings Limited’s Smart Traffic System Shortlisted For Safety Solution Of The Year Award

An innovative system that aims to protect road workers, one of the riskiest occupations in the United Kingdom, has been shortlisted by the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) for its Safety Solutions Award. Over 6,500 recorded incidents of traffic incursions (vehicles entering road works) occurred on UK roads, during the last three years, at a rate of 175 per month, creating a high risk of injury and endangering the lives of thousands of road workers, who are employed on highway construct...

Deal/No Deal Uncertainty: Impact Of Brexit On The Security Marketplace

As the deal/no deal prospects of Brexit are tossed in a whirlwind of UK and EU politics, the uncertainty of the back-and-forth has broadly impacted general economic trends, and by extension, the physical security market. The new deadline for a Brexit agreement is October 31, already postponed six months from the scheduled April 12 departure date. Numbers show that Britain’s GDP shrank in the second quarter, possibly reflecting fewer exports because of Brexit uncertainty. And beyond the cu...