Transport Security Expo 2013

  • Type: International security
  • Nov 13 - 14, 2013
  • Olympia, United Kingdom (UK)
  • Olympia, London, United Kingdom (UK)
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Event Overview:

Leading Event For Global Heads Of Aviation, Maritime, Counter Piracy, Public Transport And Supply Chain Security

Transport Security Expo has been the leading event for global heads of aviation, maritime, counter-piracy, public transport, and supply chain security for the past 10 years. Designed to deliver clarity to the complex task of protecting passengers, cargo, and high-risk assets from that intent on doing harm, Transport Security Expo is the world’s most established event in this arena.

Transport Security Expo brings together the world's leading experts from government, military, law enforcement, and security services face-to-face with the aviation, maritime, and public transport industries, to assess the threat level, examine the countermeasures in place and, where necessary, recommend alternate strategies to deal with these threats.

Taking place on 13-14 November at London Olympia - Transport Security Expo comprises an extensive conference and workshop program, supported by one of the largest dedicated technology exhibitions held internationally each year.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Leading experts from:
    • Government
    • Military
    • Law enforcement
    • security services

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Nineteen Events
  • Address:
  • Tuition House, 27-37 St. George's Road, Wimbledon, United Kingdom (UK)
  • +44 (0) 208 947 9177

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