El Salvador News

In What Situations Should College Or University Campus Police Be Armed?

College campuses often operate like small communities – or even like large communities depending on enrollment. Although each college and university campus is unique, there are commonalities such as a young and vulnerable population of students, many living away from their parents for the first time. Campuses can be urban or rural, geographically dispersed or densely populated, with a variety of demographics and “wild card” elements such as partying, drugs and alcohol. Campus p...

French Train Attack Highlights Challenges Of Railway Security On Inter-continental Networks

The sheer number of travelers and lack of passport control in the Schengen Area in Europe tests railroad security’s capabilities Railroad security faces the unenviable task of monitoring hundreds of thousands of passengers traveling between countries every day, and an attack on a train in Europe last month has cast a spotlight on the conflict between offering fast and efficient transport services while conducting thorough surveillance of passengers and luggage in transit...

Key Management And Access Control Systems Deter Security Breaches At Data Centers

A variety of control and usage options are available for automated key management systems in data centers The protection of networks and data centers is a growing concern given the recent spate of high profile security breaches, and it is forcing organizations into taking serious steps to improve protection. For many businesses, this means implementing a combination of passive and active security measures designed to deter, detect and react against threats. Included in these m...

Do Privacy Concerns Limit Use Of Audio Features In Video Cameras And Surveillance Systems?

Most of today’s video surveillance cameras are capable of providing audio, but when should it be implemented? Acceptable uses of audio surveillance, as opposed to video, are a different concept in many jurisdictions worldwide. Privacy laws regarding audio may be more stringent than those for video, but both tend to center around the concept of an “expectation of privacy,” which may mean something different in the case of audio versus video. How can system designers and end user...

Importance Of video Network Administrator In Expansion And Integration Of Surveillance Technologies

Successful video infrastructure management requires visibility into the network’s behaviour The importance of video in an organization has been growing over the past several years, almost exponentially. In retail, video images can help detect or deter theft by employees and patrons. Casinos use video partly due to state regulations, to ensure gaming activity is free of deceit or fraud. Branch offices use video to communicate with the head office. Schools use video for di...

Wireless Devices Vulnerable To Security Network Hacking – Are Closed Network Security Systems The Solution?

Any wireless device can be a soft target for hackers Security network hacking is one of the hottest topics today. The ability to access security systems or devices anywhere, leaves them vulnerable and prone to hacking. Any wireless device can be a soft target for hackers. Let’s start with the concept that nothing on a network is really secure. Let’s admit this to ourselves and take the next steps to make our security networks more secure. Internet of Things Securi...

How To Harness Casino Surveillance For Better Customer Service And Profitability

With the power of new technology and analytics, security systems could be used in other ways as well Security and surveillance systems are valuable beyond strictly providing compliance in the casino market. Even beyond ensuring physical security on premises outside the casino floor, systems are providing additional benefits including customer service, marketing and profitability, says Maureen Bruen, vertical market specialist – gaming, Honeywell Security Products Ame...

Realising The Impact Of Internet Of Things (IoT) Through A Futurist’s Gaze

As a “futurist” for lock manufacturer Allegion, Robert C. Martens says he is “part strategist, part predictor” – looking at megatrends, current events, technology changes, and how those changes impact Allegion’s business customers and partners. Spanning both the commercial and residential businesses, Martens considers various scenarios for business leaders and partners, specifically regarding where technologies and electronics are going. Today, he spends a lo...

Securing Churches And Places Of Worship - Balancing Openness And Protection

An eruption of violence at a church in Charleston, S.C., this June has increased awareness of the potential for such incidents at our houses of worship. On June 17 at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in downtown Charleston, a 21-year-old attacker wielding a Glock 41 .45-caliber handgun took the lives of nine people. But it was far from the first security breach at a house of worship. In fact, since 1999, more than 500 people have died a violent death on church or faith-based prop...

Dakota Security Systems On What Security Integrators Want From Manufacturers

Manufacturers need to come to integrators with a multi-faceted approach on how a wholesale change could be made Dakota Security Systems Inc., Sioux Falls, S.D., a security systems integration company is nearly 40 years old and started as a lock shop. Eric Yunag, president and chief executive officer, has been at the helm of the award-winning company for nearly 10 years. In an exclusive Q&A, SourceSecurity.com asked Yunag what he looks for from his manufacturer-partners. S...

Airport Security To School Safety – Effective Access Control Measures

Airport and school safety systems have undergone major changes with variety of electronic and mechanical access control products Airport security has tightened ever since the September 9/11 catastrophic event. Post-incident investigation of such events often brings to light a particular weakness in security. As a result, security and safety protocols are developed in reaction to such traumatic events. Similar to the security measures adopted by airlines, school safety systems...

Behavior Monitoring And The Role Of Video Analytics In Understanding Casino Behavior

In casino surveillance, there must be an understanding of the behavior of thieves and cheats. In particular, casinos must understand how the behavior of a casino adversary differs from that of a legitimate guest. The end result of the understanding is that only threatening or fraudulent behavior is challenged, leaving other guests free to simply enjoy their visits to the casino. Responding to behavior anomalies requires understanding that comes from analytics capabilities eme...

4K Security Cameras – A New Resolution Standard For Casinos

See larger image The 4K pixel density allows two times the digital zoom of a full HD 1080p camera CCTV cameras with higher resolution have proven their worth in casino settings. Now, 4K security cameras are gaining ground thanks to their ability to achieve full frame rate, which is required by many gaming jurisdictions. 4K is definitely the next resolution standard for casinos in the coming years, says Ron Grinfeld, director, global vertical marketing, DVTEL. DVTEL 4K Ca...

Big Players, Startups, Technologies Driving Future Of Home Automation

Small-timers with big ideas can always make their way into the industry In recent years, home automation technology has given birth to the “Smart Home” in which internet-enabled and controlled devices are bringing a new level of comfort to the standard house. From locking doors to setting the temperature to opening the blinds for a view of the sunset, technology is transforming the home into something reminiscent of the now-quaint 1960s sci-fi cartoon, The Jetsons....

Cloud-Based Physical Security Systems - Are They Safe?

More and more physical security systems are being hosted in the cloud. But are cloud-based security systems “safe?” It’s a question being posed by risk-averse security professionals all over the world, and one for which a clear, concise answer may be difficult to find. We decided to pose it to our Expert Panel.

Voice Biometrics Improve Security Levels, Expands To Commercial Applications

Voice biometrics is fast becoming a security imperative due to increasing instances of fraud and identity theft. From identifying customers at banks and call centers to securing mobile devices in a “bring your own device” world, the use of a person’s unique “voiceprint” is fast gaining ground as an identifier. The global voice biometrics market is expected to reach $4.7 billion (U.S.) by 2020. Much of it is being driven by the increasing need to...

Improving Video Surveillance Effectiveness With IP And Analytics

The key driver to growth in the IP market is the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology Technological advances in video surveillance are allowing end users the flexibility to do more with their systems than previously imagined. 2014 saw several new technological trends that shaped the future of the security market, with 4K and cyber security being the main drivers. The drift continues this year too with end users demanding HD video surveillance and wide-spread impl...

Casino Security - HD IP Cameras Offer Better Video Surveillance Capabilities

Large busy casinos must maintain continuous surveillance of multiple tables and machines High-definition (HD) cameras are a perfect fit for the casino market. HD security cameras provide six times the resolution of analog cameras, supplying images with sharper edges that easily identify faces, cards, dice, chips, currency, and fill slips. In addition, high-definition IP cameras can reduce camera count. A single, 1080p camera can effectively cover poker, roulette or craps table...

Complete Security Systems Discusses Future Security Industry Trends

Complete Security Systems Inc., Marlboro, New Jersey, is a UL-listed central station and security installation company serving New Jersey and other East Coast areas. According to Chris Mosley, President of Complete Security Systems, attracting young people to the security industry is a challenge. Chris highlights Complete Security Systems' new products, services and training programs that have been developed to keep up with the fast-changing security industry. He admits that...

Is There A Seasonal Impact On Security System Sales?

Any business sees its share of highs and low, of flare-ups and lulls. In the security market, several factors can impact general business trends, whether at the macro level or for an individual manufacturer or integrator. The economy is always a factor in the business climate, but are there others? We asked our Expert Panel to assess the impact of another variable – the seasons. Specifically, we asked this week’s Expert Panel: What is the seasonal impact on sales of security technolo...

Oncam 360-degree Video Applications & Awareness In Security And Other Markets

360-degree view cameras are becoming popular in security, but more education about the technology is still needed in the industry, says Scott Brothers, regional account director, Europe, for Oncam, a provider of 360-degree camera technology. Various parts of the world are at different stages of awareness of the technology, which can benefit the traditional security end user and is also finding uses in other departments and even other markets. User Experience Quality Oncam was an early proponen...

DIY Home Automation Vs Professional Home Security Systems

Once home automation – controlling everything from HVAC to door locks to lights to security cameras – was solely the providence of the high-end home. Custom systems were pricey – some ranging upwards of $100,000 or more. That was before widespread access to broadband internet and before everyone started carrying a powerful internet-connected mini-computer – called a smart phone – in their pocket. Home Automation Goes Mainstream These days the Smart Home has gone...

Casino IP Video Surveillance Migration Boosts As Economy Improves

Many casino system designs include the integration and installation of access control, point-of-sale (POS), building control and alarm systems Video surveillance systems are extensively used in the casino market, but ironically casinos are more often than not behind the curve when it comes to installing newer security systems. Video technology adoption in the casino market has recently slowed down because of the economy. Analog To IP Migration The economic downturn slowed th...

IoT To RMR: COPS Monitoring’s New Services Tied To Connectivity

Widespread use of smartphones and the loT have fuelled explosive demand for connectivity, convenience and control The growing Internet of Things (loT) or intelligent, inter-connected devices are causing a paradigm shift in nearly every technology sector, including the security installing industry. The global IoT market, according to research firm IDC, Framingham, Mass., is predicted to increase from 10.3 million “endpoints” in 2014 to more than 29.5 million in 2020...

Body Search 2015 Considers Aviation Security Technology And Applications

Intimate body search at airports also takes a psychological toll on the person conducting the search SourceSecurity.com's European Correspondent, Jeremy Malies gives an account of the Body Search 2015 security conference that was held at Hounslow, London. Along with emphasis on aviation security, the conference also covered an array of safety and commercial applications. Some of the topics outlined in this article include: New techniques in body scanning, the exasperation publ...

School Security & Safety Best Practices: Designing Physical Security Framework

School security has increasingly become an area of focus among school boards and municipalities. Officials are constantly seeking to implement or improve security and safety policies, procedures and technologies to offer the highest level of protection for students, staff and visitors. Every second counts in an emergency or crisis, making it imperative that schools have policies and procedures in place that make it possible to lock down buildings instantly while simultaneousl...

Are Schools And Universities Safer These Days?

Violence in our schools and colleges often makes headlines, suggesting a growing and scary trend. A consequence of high-profile school shootings and other reports of violence is to increase awareness of the need to ensure safety and security of students, faculty and staff. The events have prompted more than one educational institution to take a second look at their security policies and infrastructure, with an eye toward improvement. But to what effect? Has greater awareness of violence in educa...

Frank De Fina – Remembering A Security Industry Icon

Frank De Fina’s death this week came as a shock to everyone in the security industry. The industry has lost both a giant presence and a good friend. He made his mark as a talented executive at some of the biggest companies in the security industry. The “Dark Restaurant Society” I saw Frank De Fina a lot in dark restaurants. I was honored to be among the security industry journalists invited to his twice-yearly press dinners, held at nicely accoutred (if dimly lit) restaurants...

PSIM Transition To Converged Security And Information Management (CSIM)

(see bigger image) The very nature of true enterprise PSIM software is that it has the capability to connect to other systems and subsystems In this article, James I. Chong, CEO & Founder of Vidsys, sheds light on true PSIM (Physical Security Information Management). He mentions how Vidsys is continually innovating and accelerating its roadmap for PSIM toward Converged Security and Information Management or CSIM. Citing various analysts’ projection, James s...

Physical Security Industry Adopts Social Media Monitoring

Private security professionals and law enforcement personnel are leveraging social media as a physical security tool to identify security threats and prevent crime. “Knowledge is power, and we’re all learning to cyber-sleuth to keep up with the bad guys,” says Wendy Patrick, JD, PhD, Deputy District Attorney, special operations division, San Diego District Attorney’s office and president of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals San Diego...

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What's the primary benefit of integrating access control with video surveillance?