VideogeniX News

uSwitch PoE Controls, Monitors And Auto Reboots Network Devices While Eliminating Need For Additional Power Supplies

The company’s patented Auto Reboot Ping feature allows uSwitch PoE to automatically detect failed equipment and reboot or restart them independently For those who want to eliminate the need for additional bulky power supplies as well as “Stay Connected and Take Control” of anything anywhere including their network and IP devices, VideogeniX has introduced uSwitch PoE™. Simple to use, with no programming required and with just one input power source, u...

VideogeniX uSwitchPro With Customizable GPIO Inputs For Remote Security Control

For those who want to “Stay Connected and Take Control” of anything anywhere, including their network and IP devices, VideogeniX has introduced uSwitchPro™. This is an advanced version of its popular uSwitch™ 2 channel IP relay, which comes with a new design and adds user-customizable GPIO inputs and the ability to activate other uSwitch IP relays locally or remotely on any network. Automatically Builds A Control Web Page Simple to use, uSwitchPro automatically builds a...