Riscure News

GlobalPlatform Unveils Initiatives To Scale Support For SESIP IoT Security Evaluation Standard

In response to the growing uptake of GlobalPlatform’s Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP) methodology, the organization has introduced several initiatives to further accelerate adoption. These include the launch of new certification stamps, expanding the number of labs and certification bodies (CB), new partnerships and the creation of an adopter program. Together, this raises the bar for IoT security by enabling the adoption of the methodology across new sectors, use...

PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc. Raises The Bar In White-Box Encryption Protection For Banks, PSPs And Payment Scheme Applications

Banks, payment service providers (PSPs), schemes, and other financial institutions can now benefit from a uniquely high level of sensitive data protection and application attack resistance, following the launch of White-Box Works, a next-generation EMVCo-evaluated White-Box code generator, from PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc. Unlike traditional solutions, White-Box Works gives the customer complete and independent control over their protected code, thereby ensuring their encryption keys and proprietary...

Trustonic’s Trusted Execution Environment Completes EMVCo Software-Based Evaluation For Secure Cellphone Payments Apps

Cellphone device and app security provider Trustonic announces that its Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) solution is the first hardware-backed TEE to complete the EMVCo Software-Based Cellphone Payments security evaluation process. EMVCo is the global technical body that facilitates the worldwide interoperability and acceptance of secure payment transactions. As such, this evaluation process confirms that the Trustonic TEE provides a robust security foundation that meets the requirements of s...