• Type: Regional security
  • Sep 21 - 23, 2010
  • Siberia, Russian Federation
  • Siberia, Russian Federation
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Event Overview:

SIBSECURITY. SIBRESCUE 2010 - The prolific fire & security industry event

"ITE Siberian Fair" sincerely invites you to attend and participate in the XIXth specialized exhibition SIBSECURITY. SIBRESCUE scheduled on 21-23 September 2010

Exhibition's objective:

Acquaintance with new means of physical and business security, popularisation of national conception of safety, children's upbringing according to life safety basics.

Official support:

  • Plenipotentiary of the President Executive Office in the Siberian Federal District, Ministry of the Russian
  • Federation for civil defence, emergency situations and natural disaster response, Siberian Regional
  • Centre for civil defence, emergency situations and natural disaster response, Novosibirsk Region
  • Administration, Head department of Emercom in Novosibirsk region, Interregional association "Sibirskoye soglasheniye."

  • Exhibition's profile:


  • Integrated security systems
  • Alarm systems
  • Security cameras, surveillance systems
  • Access control
  • Engineering and technical means of security
  • Criminal investigation technique
  • Information security
  • Special transport
  • Means of personal security
  • Operational and search activities
  • Vehicle safety
  • Alerting and operational communication systems
  • Security, detective. legal services
  • Apparel for security agencies


  • Search-and-rescue equipment
  • Fire safety
  • Facility for emergency medical response
  • Ecological security and environmental protection systems
  • Systems and means for monitoring and prevention of natural and man-made disasters
  • Life support systems in extreme conditions
  • Individual means of protection
  • Rescue services

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • Russian Federation
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Security industry professionals
    • Security companies

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • ITE Siberian Fair
  • Address:
  • 220/10, Krasny Prospekt, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
  • +7 383 2106290

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