Cyber Defence Summit

  • Type: Technology areas
  • Sep 20 - 21, 2011
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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Event Overview:

Cyber Defence gathers up to 120 key representatives from regional Government authorities, public and private sector businesses and information security experts and specialists to identify, investigate and resolve security challenges in the region. 

The two day initiative enables leading solution providers to meet and network with regional solution seekers. These delegates are actively looking to:

  • Buy solutions and upgrade their systems
  • Seek consultations and training
  • Have guaranteed one-to-one business meetings with suppliers of their choice
  • Listen to keynote presentations and panel discussions from leading experts
  • Network with industry peers 

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor demographic:
    • CIO
    • CISO
    • CTO
    • etwork Manager
    • Head of IT

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Naseba [Sikander Ejaz]
  • Address:
  • Immeuble les Sporades, Monaco, Monaco, United Arab Emirates
  • +971 4367 1376

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