Airport Security Australia 2010

  • Type: Vertical market
  • Sep 14 - 15, 2010
  • Sydney, Australia
  • WatersEdge, Ground Floor, Pier One, 11 Hickson Road Walsh Bay, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
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Event Overview:

Airport Security 2010 - The ABC of effective airport security management

The safety and security of your airport is essential for economic growth, but as you know upgrading your systems is an expensive process and finding a way to balance your business and security objectives is far from a simple task.

How will you optimize your security systems without passing costs onto passengers?

At Airport Security 2010 you will hear how your peers developed efficient security systems without hindering business opportunities, as well as receive important updates from government departments.

Airport security 2010 features case studies from Australian and international airports including Adelaide Airport, Townsville Airport, Auckland Airport and Vancouver International Airport.

The federal government is frequently raising the standards for airport security and keeping up to date with government expectations can become increasingly difficult. Airport Security 2010 will bring together stakeholders from the aviation industry as well as key representatives from government to help you discover the best methods for meeting the challenges of:

  • Balancing business and security objectives to ensure the success of your airport
  • Optimising your airport's security systems while minimizing the cost passed on to passengers
  • Understanding the latest technological innovations for airport security and determine which ones you need to invest in
  • Ensuring compliance to legislation and government standards while avoiding cost blowouts

  • Do not miss your chance to be in the room as the biggest issues affecting the security of Australian airports, passengers and cargo will be addressed.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • Australia
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Head of Security
    • Head of Operations
    • Head of Security Technologies
    • Chief Security Officer
    • Training Director
    • Security Director
    • Security Officer
    • Airport Manager

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • IQPC PTY Ltd
  • Address:
  • Level 6, 25 Bligh Street, Sydney, Australia
  • +612 9223 2700