Security Assessments - Expert commentary

The Benefits And Challenges Of In-Camera Audio Analytics For Surveillance Solutions

Audio is often overlooked in the security and video surveillance industry. There are some intercom installations where audio plays a key role, but it’s not typically thought about when it comes to security and event management. Audio takes a back seat in many security systems because audio captured from a surveillance camera can have a different impact on the privacy of those being monitored. Audio surveillance is therefore subject to strict laws that vary from state to state. Many state...

How To Make School Security Effective And Unobtrusive For Students

Schools today are charged to provide an environment that is both safe and conducive to learning, which can be difficult considering the range of security incidents and challenges they face, including bullying, fights, graffiti, theft and more. In addition to working within often tight budgetary constraints, a main challenge is to provide the highest level of security in an aesthetically pleasing way that doesn’t make students feel as if they are in prison. While these two needs may seem...

School Security Benefits From Advanced Communication Technology

With the recent tragic events in Florida, it’s evident that schools require more tools to help ensure their students’ safety. With that, school and municipal officials all over the country are looking for more advanced ways to combat gun violence. While there is no perfect solution for the myriad of threats and emergencies with which our schools are confronted, many have looked to technology to help improve communications before, during and after incidents. For schools across the...

How Managed Detection And Response Enhances Cybersecurity Management In Organizations

There was a time when one of our biggest challenges was securing our physical assets, whether that was our people or our property from crime. We researched and deployed the very latest in video solutions, intrusion systems, fire alarms and access control devices, all in an effort to keep the bad guys out and the good guys safe, along with protecting our facilities from break-ins, robberies and countless other crimes. However, times are changing. No longer must we only be concerned about keepin...

The Five Questions Bank Security And IT Leaders Need To Answer About Cybersecurity

Organizations across the world face a new risk paradigm: one that encompasses cyber and physical threats. We’ve heard the stories associated with ATM skimming, identity theft, data breaches, scams, and phishing. Large financial services organizations are often the victim of hackers looking to steal corporate information and transactional data or funds, and criminals continue to become more sophisticated in their approach. Growth In Cyber-Attacks Additionally, cyber-threats have taken a...

Facilities Are Running Out Of Time To Comply With “All Hazards” Emergency Planning

The early October wildfires in Northern California and recent spate of hurricanes in the Southeast and Puerto Rico reinforce the fact that the healthcare community is in need of more stringent attention to organized and community-supported Emergency Management. Regulating Healthcare Facilities With the potential for catastrophes in the future, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been working on "All-Hazards" Emergency Preparedness for several years and published CMS-3178 -...

Key Critical Thinking Skills For Security Professionals

Successful critical thinkers are judged by results that almost always involve deliberation and intuition, logic and creativity Security and safety practitioners responding to evolving threats make decisions every day based on uncertainty, insufficient information, and too few resources for textbook solutions. Unsurprisingly, Chief Security Officers report that critical thinking, decision making, and communications skills are key characteristics for job success. But do we reall...

How To Test For Network Security Vulnerability

Vulnerability scans rely on mostly automated tools to find potential vulnerabilities at either the network or application level Security vulnerability in any network can be found and exploited by hackers and others in no time. The only questions are when this will happen and how much damage an individual could do once they’ve gained access to the network. Recognizing this reality, most organizations test their own networks for security weaknesses, whether to meet compli...

Fusion And Multi-Modal Biometrics Strengthen Physical Security Systems To Fight Against Terror And Crime

Multi-modal biometrics refers to a technology that combines a number of biometrics working together as a multifactor solution Global terrorism is on the rise. For many years, the West felt immune to these incidents, often asserting that these were problems felt only in countries with heated conflicts, such as Syria, Iraq, Israel and Nigeria. However, recent terror attacks have taken place in both Europe and the United States: Belgium, France (Paris and Nice), Orlando, various...

Improving Security Decisions By Identifying Red Flags And Operational Inefficiencies Through Advanced Analytics

Access levels of individuals based on their roles can be cross compared with their normal access patterns, it is also useful to look for anomalies in device behavior Threats to an organization’s physical and logical security are increasing in number and financial impact, according to several recent surveys. To combat this problem, security and IT professionals are fighting back with system upgrades and software solutions including advanced analytics. Using the analytics...

Location-based Alerting Technologies To Secure Employees In Emergency Situations

Workplace mobility is on the rise, which means organizations have an increasing number of employees who travel or work from home. In fact, there were 96.2 million mobile workers in 2015 and IDC predicts that mobile workers will account for nearly three quarters (72.3 percent) of the total U.S. workforce by 2020. While the growth of mobile workers is a boon to productivity both inside and outside the workplace, it also creates unique communication challenges – especially in emergency situat...

Video Surveillance Advancements Increase Hospital & Healthcare Security

Part 3 of our Security in Healthcare series Megapixel and higher-definition cameras are meeting the security and surveillance needs of a variety of hospital and healthcare facilities Video is a major component of most hospital and healthcare security systems. Among the big video trends are greater integration of video with other systems, and increased use of higher-megapixel cameras and 180-degree and 360-degree-view cameras to monitor larger areas. Variety Of Video...

Six Important Factors To Look For In A Professional Systems Integrator

What factors should an end user consider when looking for a professional systems solution provider? Andrew Schonzeit, President of IDESCO Corp., New York, knows what it takes to have an award-winning, top-in-its class systems integration company. For more than seven decades, the company has grown, morphed and continued to move into the world of value-add integrated solutions contracting. They’ve received numerous industry and business accolades and increased their statur...

Open Standards Simplify Integration And Enhance Performance Of Cloud-Based Access Control Systems

The rate of adoption of mobile credentials will progress quickly, because of its exciting value proposition Cloud computing has been around for some time now, starting with the formal public Internet in 1990. But the nature of it has changed and evolved quickly and dramatically. Now, the cloud is becoming foundational to many emerging security applications, including mobile credentialing involving Near Field and Bluetooth communications, with the Internet of Things (loT) poise...

5 Basics For Implementing Effective Physical Security

Deadly terrorist attacks on buildings have highlighted the need of a well-designedand well implemented physical security program What constitutes a well-designed physical security program? Deadly terrorist attacks on buildings such as the San Bernardino Administrative Center, Riverside Countyin California., have highlight the need of a well-designed and well implemented physical security program. S.Steven Oplinger, Chair of the ASIS Physical Security Council, outlines 5 basic...

Paris Attacks Shift Focus On Securing Soft Targets Against External Threats

Soft targets are civilian-centric places suchas churches and retail centres, where securityis not as fortified The terror attack on Paris on Nov. 13 lasted just 23 minutes. The bombers and gunmen split up and attacked seven sites: the soccer stadium where it all began, four restaurants, a bar and a concert venue. All told, they killed 130 people and injured 368 in the time it takes for a coffee break. This situation has raised questions about the security management for conce...

Body Search And Airport Security – Maximizing Safety And Dignity For Travelers

A US Department of Homeland Security investigation showed that undercover agents defeated airport screening in 95 percent of cases by smuggling mock explosives and weapons past checkpoints. With admirable transparency, U.S. Office of Inspector General (OIG) has described how so-called “Red Teams” posed as regular passengers and exposed inadequate measures at some of the busiest airports across the United States. The revelations came a few days before Body Search 2...

Ethics And The Security Industry: Time To Show Leadership

Ethics and the security industry is a balancing act Most of us have a basic instinct as to what is and is not ethical behavior. But is instinct enough?  “Ethics and the security industry is a balancing act,” says Mike Hurst, vice chairman of the UK Chapter of ASIS International. “Most people will have an instinct as to what ethical behavior is, but there’s an absence of hard and fast rules.” Examples often crop up in video surveillance situa...

Lower Costs By Getting Security Assessments Right

A comprehensive security assessment will tell how to plan and manage security in the facility A comprehensive security assessment will tell you how to plan and manage security in your facility. Without an assessment, you can only guess about security. For facilities with existing security programs, an assessment can also reveal whether the pieces of the system are working as they should. As a security director, can you do the assessment yourself? Sure, although a large school...