Crown Point Courthouse Deploys Cloud-based Brivo Access Control

After Crown Point, Indiana, built a new courthouse complex, the historic courthouse, managed by the Crown Point Courthouse Foundation, was transformed into a three-story mix of retail, offices, ballroom event space, and a still-functioning courtroom. The historic courthouse was totally transformed, but security for the complex remained standard lock and key…and that’s where the problems began. Allen Pante, of Phil and Son, the installer for the building’s security upgrade, explained, “There are only four entrances, but there were over 200 keys in circulation. When the Foundation took over, they faced the expense of re-keying the entire building. Then, once retail and event rental operations started, we had to manage access for hundreds of people and their varying needs.”

Phil and Son evaluated several providers to solve the Foundation’s access management requirements. Pante said: “It was important that we understood the Foundation’s needs at this time, but also in the future. When I evaluated the different choices, the Brivo OnAir system just shined—it clearly had the flexibility for future needs as well.” One stand-out Brivo feature is remote management. Now, Phil & Son assists Foundation staff daily in managing the system and providing important back-up resources for anything they need.

With Brivo, the Foundation manages access for 100+ users a day and around 200 users for after-hours events and office access. Pante concluded: “Brivo does an awesome job enabling us to manage the specific requirements of all the different public and private groups. Everything the Foundation has asked for, we’ve delivered. The end result speaks for itself in terms of all this system can do.”