Thermal Cameras: Can They Accurately Detect Body Temperatures?

Thermal Cameras: Can They Accurately Detect Body Temperatures?

Determining the practicalities and capabilities of today's technology

Interest in thermal cameras has exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic given the technology's ability to detect elevated body temperatures. Information on the subject has boomed, provided by both existing market players and brand new companies, but it's difficult to understand what is real, what is exaggeration and what is wishful thinking.

Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, thermal cameras were primarily used for detecting perimeter breaches – a use case that does not require the same level of precision as detecting elevated body temperatures. 

In this white paper, Eagle Eye Networks details some of the tests that it has run on a number of thermal cameras, and determines the practicalities and capabilities of today's technology.

What's inside?

  • Thermal camera system components
  • Real world situations
  • Elevated temperature testing
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