Securing Unmanned Infrastructure at the Network Edge

Securing Unmanned Infrastructure at the Network Edge

Protecting the devices at the edge of your network against physical and cyber-attacks

Think about access control, and your first thought is likely to be a door into a building. In this eBook, ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions encourages you to think beyond the typical building to a mix of other types of unmanned openings: namely, the cabinets, enclosures, hub buildings and substations that house critical infrastructure components.

The US unmanned infrastructure systems encompass hundreds of thousands of enclosures containing intelligent devices and network entry points. Most of these are secured with generic physical keys that can easily be obtained and duplicated and by obsolete mechanical locks that lack the capacity to report status or usage.

This presents a serious threat as we continue to rely more and more on sophisticated IoT devices at the network edge that control and monitor critical operational technology.

What's inside?

  • Identify the location of your network’s vulnerabilities beyond typical doors and building openings
  • Understand the threats to the unmanned infrastructure at the edge of critical networks
  • Learn what steps you can take to protect these resources
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