Record Locally, View Centrally, Manage Remotely

Record Locally, View Centrally, Manage Remotely

Addressing the challenge of remote sites

Are your company's most valuable assets protected?

As Forbes Insights found in a recent study, many organizations under-utilize video surveillance in their business. The majority of those surveyed (58 percent) said they cover less than half of their valuable assets with video surveillance; unsurprisingly, businesses with widely distributed assets, such as remotely located power stations or cell towers, face particular challenges covering a majority of their assets with video surveillance.

According to the same survey, of respondents who do use video surveillance, a majority (66 percent) said that for the locations or facilities where video surveillance is in use, fewer than half are actively monitored by security personnel. The top concern preventing more monitoring is cost-effectiveness (52 percent of respondents).

This white paper explores recent advances in digital video technologies which make it possible to address concerns about the effectiveness and cost of active monitoring and to deal with bandwidth issues for remote sites. Deploying increased intelligence in cameras and in devices at the edge of the network can help ensure that people get access to the right video data in a timely manner.

What's inside?

  • Addressing the challenge of remote sites
  • Managing a large number of remote devices
  • Changing the cost model for monitoring remote sites
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