Preparing Your Organization With Quality Situational Awareness

Preparing Your Organization With Quality Situational Awareness

Develop a keen understanding of your company's threat awareness tools and capabilities

Your organization faces multiple risks every day, from a disgruntled ex-employee planning revenge to a Pacific cyclone delaying vital supply chain shipments, and a host of threats in between.

Situational awareness is, at its core, having an accurate understanding of your surroundings: where you are, what could happen, and recognizing problem indicators before an incident.

In this paper, Swan Island Networks will look at multiple aspects of situational awareness in organizations to understand and communicate effective and accurate response efforts for your business.

What's inside?

  • Defining Situational Awareness And Its Examples
  • Threat Categories To Prepare For And How To Gather Intelligence
  • Best Practices And Common Mistakes
  • Integrating Situational Awareness With Existing Security Systems
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