Monitoring Traffic Flow: Everywhere, All The Time

Monitoring Traffic Flow: Everywhere, All The Time

Using AI-powered Security Cameras to extensively analyze data for traffic safety and flow

With the growing traffic in many regions worldwide, roads become more dangerous and flow more sticky, especially in urban areas. Air traffic partly shifted to the road may cause additional density and occupancy, worsening the situation. Not only driving but also parking in major cities becomes increasingly challenging for everyone. 

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) is a technology that enables management and usage of traffic infrastructure in a safer, more coordinated, efficient, and smarter way. Intelligent transport systems combine communication and information technologies used in road traffic, road infrastructure, vehicles, and traffic management.

Smart technologies connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) will take ITS to the next level. AI and Big Data will soon empower sensors that perform simple tasks like counting cars and measuring speed to take on more complex roles in traffic management.

In this whitepaper, Azena discusses how AI-powered video technology can improve traffic safety and efficiency through data-driven planning and control. The technology required to take traffic management to the next level is here. 

What's inside?

  • The future of smart traffic surveillance
  • The potential of IoT in Traffic Management
  • What’s in it for developers & integrators?
  • The Future of IoT in Traffic & Parking Management
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