Is The Cloud Ready?

Is The Cloud Ready?

Five things to consider before moving your surveillance video to the cloud
Video surveillance systems have some unique requirements that set them apart from other types of enterprise applications.
Determining where and how the cloud can support these systems depends on a set of five primary requirements: bandwidth, storage, cost, security and accessibility. This March Networks white paper outlines some of the key considerations mid- and large-sized enterprises need to examine before deciding to move their video surveillance systems into the cloud — and looks at how they can leverage cloud capabilities for video in the meantime.

What's inside?

  • Video Surveillance And The Cloud
  • The Cloud In Context
  • What Can The Cloud Bring To Video Surveillance?
  • It All Begins With Bandwidth
  • Storage And Cost
  • Security And Accessibility
  • What's Ahead For Cloud-based Video Storage?
  • Checklist For Video Storage In The Cloud
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