Is Access Control In The Cloud More Cost Effective?

Is Access Control In The Cloud More Cost Effective?

Cloud access control for physical security

With all of the buzz about cloud solutions and the Internet of Things (IoT), there is a lot of excitement around the endless number of devices being connected to the ever-evolving web of interconnected devices. 

Traditional security professionals have been wary of cloud software products due to many reasons including fear, inexperience with networking, tabloid stories of internet hacking, and turning a portion of control over to the manufacturer. However, just as a river slowly carves a stone, the power of technology, lower costs, increased education and end user demand are rapidly increasing the adoption of cloud services. 

This White Paper from ISONAS explores cloud and on premise access control. Which one is a better choice? What are the benefits of each solution, the costs of each solution, and is one technologically superior over the other? 

What's inside?

  • The Business Model
  • Hosted Services Increase Security
  • Installation And Infrastructure
  • Ongoing Costs And Maintenance
  • Summary
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