Hybrid Hyperconverged Systems Benefit Growing Storage and Retention Needs

Hybrid Hyperconverged Systems Benefit Growing Storage and Retention Needs

The right solution for growing video retention and use

Storage of video data has always been the stock of trade for security, but the use case of this data has become ever more real-time in requirement as opposed to forensic.

However, this increased demand has not seen an increased understanding of the requirements of storing today’s video data nor an acceptance of the effect of this data on a network used to significantly less ingest and overall review.

In this white paper, BCD International discusses how the adoption of hybrid hyperconverged infrastructure by security departments can scale storage with ease, while simultaneously providing better compute access for the user of this data and a more seamless workflow for IT.

What's inside?

  • How video surveillance has traditionally stored video data
  • Storage in the HCI era
  • Simplified IT management & operational efficiency
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