5 Dec 2023

A local neighborhood hospital, unfortunately, plagued by significant gang violence, recognized the inadequacy of its current security system.

Committed to serving the community, the hospital staff also sought protection from potential aggression that patients may bring in, their friends or family members.

Upgrading surveillance

With territorial disputes, robberies, carjackings, and displays of force occurring daily, the hospital urgently needed to upgrade its surveillance and enhance its alert/notification process to safeguard both patients and visitors.

The possibility of a visitor instigating a dispute within the hospital's premises is of particular concern.

Hospital's challenges

Given the occurrence of visitors illegally carrying firearms, it was crucial to have better oversight

​The Director of Security recognized the need to update the existing surveillance systems for improved detection capabilities, particularly in camera analytics. The goal was to enhance the monitoring of individuals entering the hospital premises around the clock.

Given the occurrence of visitors illegally carrying firearms, it was crucial to have better oversight when a concealed weapon became visible, especially in common areas, external parking lots, and garages, as well as the emergency room. 

Need to update detection

You might ask yourself, who would want to have a gunfight in a hospital?   We are where people heal,” ​said the Director of Security.

After an active shooter incident occurred in which a gun was produced to threaten a patient, the security team quickly realized there was no way to keep the staff out of harm’s way unless his security team could quickly minimize or mitigate the problem. 


By layering in the AI app, they would have access to important data on firearms entering the facility

Since the hospital was already a Konica Minolta customer, during a review meeting the Video Solution Services Executive (VSSE)  took the opportunity to introduce the REACT platform and its suite of modules, specifically Visible Weapon Detection (VWD).

This artificial intelligence (AI)-driven detection solution would enable the hospital to use its existing cameras and video management system (VMS). By layering in the AI app, they would have access to important data on firearms entering the facility. The software would also integrate with facility alarms and door lock-downs.   

Visible Weapon Detection (VWD)

Additionally, the hospital determined that entry points were not the only places they should utilize VWD, there were also some key floors where they previously experienced some scares with violent behavior and gun threats. 

We see a lot of gunshot wounds in the ER, and sometimes the altercations are not finished in the street with aggression continuing in our hospital," Director of Security.

Real-time alerts via Cloud VMS

VSSE recommended additional cameras for the perimeter and parking lots to ensure there were no security gaps

"While we cannot stop an armed person without law enforcement, we can better notify staff and enable them to take shelter versus walking right into a situation,”​ Director of Security.

The VSSE also recommended additional cameras for the perimeter and parking lots to ensure there were no security gaps. The Director of Security wanted alerts on mobile devices so the team suggested a Cloud VMS to enable the alerts on any type of device. 


The hospital adopted the proposed program with the REACT-VWD, Cloud VMS, and additional cameras.

Through one of their regular hospital security drills, the Director of Security could more easily locate the armed unauthorized visitor and implement a quick action protocol for the facility. 

Detection capabilities and automated notifications

The hospital purchased 20 MOVE micro dome cameras and 10 PTZ MOVE cameras

With these upgrades, our security platform is better equipped to address possible active shooters. Our staff knows we cannot put cameras in every patient room, but these new cameras and the VWD software will give us more detection capabilities to at the very least provide notifications,” Director of Security.

The hospital purchased 20 MOVE micro dome cameras and 10 PTZ MOVE cameras. The Director of Security felt confident his security team was equipped with better capabilities and automated notifications for events that occur.   

REACT, visible weapon detection

This solution applies nationwide to organizations that want better oversight of their facilities, are interested in REACT, visible weapon detection, utilization detection apps, and have clear, high-resolution video documentation for insurance or legal purposes.

The story is simple, Konica Minolta can help to provide security via its Mobotix cameras, its camera apps, and REACT offerings.