24 Aug 2023

It is important to have good security locks on the access points in the home, particularly front and back doors and garden gates. Low-quality and poorly secure locks can make the lives of thieves far easier than they should be.

Nipun Agrawal, Director at Hiatt Hardware, advises: “Door locks like nightlatch locks and mortice deadlocks are two traditional styles that offer great protection for your external doors. Making sure that door locks are properly installed is also important, although you can do it yourself, hiring an expert is always the safest option."

"To add extra security to your home, you can add a door chain to your external doors - to prevent the door opening fully, lessening the risk of intruders entering your home or of distraction burglary.”

Install additional security measures 

Investing in a burglar alarm system is a great option to help deter thieves and keep the property safe

Fitting in CCTV cameras, smart lighting, and sensors can greatly enhance existing security measures. Thanks to advances in smart lighting technology, it's possible to set up an effective lighting system for minimal cost, providing a literal spotlight for anyone who breaks into the property. It also gives the freedom to set the lights on an automatic timer, making it look like someone is home to passers-by.

Additionally, installing CCTV can give a live feed of the garden, broadcasted straight to the smartphone. Notified the moment someone unexpectedly walks through the front gates, with the camera being triggered and potentially identifying the perpetrator. Investing in a burglar alarm system is another great option to help deter thieves and keep the property safe. Once have a burglar alarm system, make sure it's displayed visibly on the outside of the property to let potential burglars know have an alarm. This will act as a means to deter 

Removing valuables from plain sight

Should take the time to move any valuables that are sitting by windows and doors

Thieves will always be on the lookout for high-value, easy-to-grab items especially if it’s not locked away or displayed right by windows and doors. Should take the time to move any valuables that are sitting by windows/doors or visible to outsiders looking in.

It’s also worth locking away any high-value pieces in a safe or somewhere in a cupboard, dissuading thieves from being able to identify what have and making it harder to pinch and grab belongings.

Consider installing fences or metal gates

Thieves are less likely to want to break into a property with a gate and solid fencing around it; high boundary walls are even better if have them, as they provide an even sturdier barrier between thieves and valuables.

Reinforced metal security gates are just as secure if not more than a regular garden gate when paired with fencing. With a metal security gate protecting the property, rather than a standard garden gate, thieves will undoubtedly notice the investment have made in home security and be deterred from targeting the home as a result.