27 Apr 2011
BSIA's breakfast event was related to data destruction which has proved beneficial for trade associations

The British Security Industry Association (BSIA)'s Information Destruction Section held an exclusive breakfast briefing for senior staff of trade associations, to raise awareness on the importance of effective data destruction strategies, legislations surrounding sensitive data management and consequences for non-compliance. The briefing took place on Friday 1st April at the Institute of Directors, in London.

David Reynolds, Lead Policy Officer of the Business and Industry Group at the Information Commissioner's Office, treated attendees to an informative presentation covering the public's attitudes towards data protection, monetary penalties faced by companies for data breaches, current legislation surrounding data security and future legal developments. Mr Reynolds' primary responsibility at the ICO is for policy and liaison in areas such as banking, insurance, payment card industry and anti-fraud initiatives.

The briefing, the first of its kind for the BSIA's ID section, allowed trade associations to further familiarise themselves with the work of the Section, whilst becoming more aware of the issues surrounding effective disposal and destruction of confidential data. Russell Harris, Chairman of the BSIA's Information Destruction section, attended the event and commented: "Trade associations can play a crucial role in informing their members of the importance of effective data destruction, and for this reason we created this event targeted solely at key personnel within the sector. I am really please with the outcome of the briefing, which provided attendees with the perfect platform to really understand the scope of data security and the negative consequences of data breaches."

BSIA will help trade association on data security

"Information Destruction is a very topical and relevant matter for businesses of all types, and the industry is always keen to keep up-to-date with developments in products, services and regulations on a national and European level. For this reason, on the 8th of June, the ID Section will hold its second annual Information Destruction Exhibition and Conference, aimed at sharing best practice amongst suppliers and service providers within the information destruction industry. Anyone operating within the industry should not miss out on the opportunity to take part in this event", concludes Mr Harris.

Ineffective waste management strategies can result in data breaches that not only have serious financial implications, but also have a negative impact on reputation and one of their main social concerns, same as Preventing Crime (94%) and more than the NHS (88%) and National Security (87%).

Daren Wood, Membership Manager of the BSIA, also commented on the briefing: "The way personal information is handled is clearly a great concern for the general public, so the BSIA and the ID section have been working tirelessly in the last few years to put the message across that having in place effective confidential waste strategies and employing reliable information destruction companies are the only ways to drastically reduce the risk of data breaches occurring. I am very pleased with how our first ID briefing went and I look forward to continuing to work with the section in the organization of future events aimed at raising awareness on data destruction."

The BSIA and its members are always available to assist trade associations wishing to keep their members abreast of data security developments and implications for their businesses consumer confidence. According to research carried out by the ICO, 94% of respondents from the general public selected Protecting Personal Information as one of their main social concerns, same as Preventing Crime (94%) and more than the NHS (88%) and National Security (87%).

Daren Wood, Membership Manager of the BSIA, also commented on the briefing: "The way personal information is handled is clearly a great concern for the general public, so the BSIA and the ID section have been working tirelessly in the last few years to put the message across that having in place effective confidential waste strategies and employing reliable information destruction companies are the only ways to drastically reduce the risk of data breaches occurring. I am very pleased with how our first ID briefing went and I look forward to continuing to work with the section in the organization of future events aimed at raising awareness on data destruction." The BSIA and its members are always available to assist trade associations wishing to keep their members abreast of data security developments and implications for their businesses.