12 May 2011

iOmniscient picked for upgrading Chendu Metro's Video Analytics 
Chengdu, the capital of the Sichuan province of Southwest China is one of the most important economic centers, transportation and communication hubs in Western China. According to the 2007 Public Appraisal for Best Chinese Cities for Investment, Chengdu was rated among the top ten and was rated as China's 4th most livable city by the China Daily.

As Chengdu modernises its Metro rail system they decided to use iOmniscient's comprehensive Railway Portfolio to enhance their security. Chengdu Metro joins a long list of other railway organizations in North America, Europe and Asia, who rely on iOmniscient for their Video Analytics. Applications that they have implemented include Crowd Management, Slip and Fall detection and a range of other applications that are included in iOmniscient's IQ-Rail system.

There are many stakeholders in a railway organization with responsibilities ranging from Safety to Track Management to Customer Service. Based on its extensive experience with railways, iOmniscient has put together a comprehensive portfolio of applications to meet all their needs that can be met using video analysis.

The IQ Railway Portfolio also incorporates iOmniscient's patented Non-Motion Detection (NMD) technology, to assist in detecting abandoned objects in a crowded or complex railway environment, which could potentially be dangerous, and an unbeatable Nuisance Alarm Minimization System (NAMS), which allows the surveillance to cope with the bright headlights of oncoming trains and to ignore false alarms.