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Fighting Illicit Trade With Artificial Intelligence

AI has opened doors to many transformation opportunities and increasingly minimised many risks  ...

Key Considerations for Robust Residential Security

In the UK, one burglary occurs every 106 seconds. This means by the time you've finished reading thi...

What are the New Trends and Opportunities in Video Storage?

Video storage has been a challenge since the days of VCRs and videotape. Storing images is a central...

Optimising Business Security During COVID-19

Many businesses will already have some form of security in place, but what is often overlooked is th...

How Can Thermal Cameras Be Used Effectively for Fever Detection?

The COVID-19 global pandemic continues, and more and more companies are looking for ways to continue...


Showcase: Remote Monitoring Case Studies

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Although the guidelines and mandates for dealing with social distancing and building occupancy vary from town-to-town, state-to-state, and country-to-country, the common themes are keeping people apart to ensure they remain at a safe distance. The need to keep people a certain distance apart, and to limit the number o...

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Event In Profile

2020 China Smart Homes & Buildings Expo

China Offers Enormous Potentials for Smart Home Industry China’s smart home products users have spiraled to 60 million from 2017 to 2018, and by 2020 China’s smart home market will reach RMB 582 billion, as reported by ASKCI Consulting. In the past few year...

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